A Little Slice Of Eternity – Spirituality Information

It was many years ago. The boy was not more than ten years old as he stood beside the man that early morning. They were both standing on the shore of the Atlantic looking east toward the rising sun. The chill morning air caused a slight shiver to run through the boy. The man, seeming to know without even looking, took off his jacket and draped it over the small shoulders of his son. They walked up to the water’s edge as the man spoke: “You see that wide expanse of water? It i…

A Time To Remember – Spirituality Information

It was early in the evening when the phone call came. Reaching over, I grabbed the phone and was greeted by my cousin who lives in New York City. There was a deep sadness in her voice as she told me that she personally wanted to call me and invite me to the 5-year memorial service she’d be having for her two children.

Although I have spoken with this cousin a number of times since that tragic day, September 11th, five years ago, it had been about 30 years since I last saw …

Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 41 )

Before considering further how devotion to duty helps us in our spiritual progress, let me place before you in a brief compass another aspect of what we in India mean by Karma. In every religion there are three parts: philosophy, mythology, and ritual. Philosophy of course is the essence of every religion; mythology explains and illustrates it by means of the more or less legendary lives of great men, stories and fables of wonderful things, and so on; ritual gives to that phi…

All Your Actions Will Not Bear Any Fruit Unless… Spirituality Information

Can you stop the leap of the snake which intends to bite you?

Can you force the murderer who has come to kill you to drop the knife?

Can you stop the tsnumani from wrecking your house?

You might be surprised ,but the answer to all the above three questions is “Yes You can do it” . It might take a long time but i want to show you how it is done…..

I want to make one thing clear first . I have not attempted to do any of these three things stated above. However, i …

Crush This Economy – Spirituality Information

Economy I understand not,

Nor the GDP all short,

Figures they are for the intellect,

What use it that for the poor to recollect…….

Economy stinks… Economy has failed miserably…History stands witness… There are very few people who have bid goodbye to this world with a smiling face… The wrinkles and scars of the stupid economy are visible in every face. Economy gives a job to someone,makes a company rich and fills the coffers of the Government but it lea…

He Definitely Should Have Been Committed – Spirituality Information

Yes, commitment is what is called for. He never cared whether a Monday fell on a Friday nor did it matter to him if it was raining or dry. His motto was, “I am exactly where I need to be at this time. Just take it easy, it’ll all work out just fine.”

I met him many years ago. Let’s just call him Tom. We were in college and he was the roommate of a friend. But they were so different. My friend wanted something out of life while Tom thought that life should bring him all th…

How To Get Through Tough Times – Spirituality Information

Today turned out to be one of those textbook beautiful days. The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing softly and the temperature is just right — the perfect day. Even with all the challenges I have to face, I still look up at the sky and smile as the clouds chase one another across a “picture-perfect”, blue background.

But I know that all the days to come will not be as beautiful and comfortable as this day is. Yesterday was dark and dreary, pierced with giant streaks of…

I Won The Race….No One Cared A Damn – Spirituality Information

Ants move in groups.. Ants never get tired. They are always on the move. I have never seen an ant take rest…. Is the ant really making any progress? God alone knows perhaps it could be moving in the wrong direction who knows…

Many of my friends are successful,wealthy and happy. They have made significant progress in their respective fields. They are always on the move.. They are miles ahead of other people. Have they really made any progress? God alone knows perhaps t…

It Was A Very Good Day – Spirituality Information

The day before yesterday was a good day, a really good day. Everything worked well. The weather was fair, the computers worked fine and orders for the “PowerPause” (my latest creation) came in at a much higher rate than usual. My world seemed peaceful and I was filled with exhilaration. It was a good day.

Yes, the day before yesterday was the type of day I always like to see. There are many such days. Sunny, warm days, whether because of the weather or because of the warmt…

Just Don’t Sit There – Spirituality Information

Many years ago, I was sitting with a number of top executives in a business meeting. We were discussing the possibilities of getting more customers. The thought came to me that we should call Jim, a certain competitor, and ask him if he would send us some of his extra business. The thought seemed so ridiculous that I didn’t even voice it. What? Ask a competitor for business? It was too far-fetched to consider.

A week later at a trade meeting, I bumped into Jim. We talked f…