New Age Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 21 )

Now the princess had fallen so much in love with this young man that she said, “I must marry this man or I shall die”; and she went after him to bring him back. Then our other Sannyasin, who had brought the king there, said to him, “King, let us follow this pair”; so they walked after them, but at a good distance behind. The young Sannyasin who had refused to marry the princess walked out into the country for several miles. When he came to a forest and entered into it, the pr…

New Age Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 22 )

So he plunged into the midst of the fire and perished. The guests saw him falling and tried to save him, but he was too quick for them.

The little bird’s wife saw what her husband did, and she said, “Here are three persons and only one little bird for them to eat. It is not enough; it is my duty as a wife not to let my husband’s effort go in vain; let them have my body also.” Then she fell into the fire and was burned to death.

Then the three baby – birds, when they saw…

New Age Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 28 )

If we remember this always, we shall never be attached to nature; we shall know that nature is a book in which we are to read, and that when we have gained the required knowledge, the book is of no more value to us. Instead of that, however, we are identifying ourselves with nature; we are thinking that the soul is for nature, that the spirit is for the flesh, and, as the common saying has it, we think that man “lives to eat” and not “eats to live”. We are continually making …

New Age Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 29 )

When that existence becomes relative, we see it as the world; that knowledge becomes in its turn modified into the knowledge of the things of the world; and that bliss forms the foundation of all true love known to the heart of man. Therefore true love can never react so as to cause pain either to the lover or to the beloved. Suppose a man loves a woman; he wishes to have her all to himself and feels extremely jealous about her every movement; he wants her to sit near him,to …

New Age Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 34 )

From the subjective standpoint we may see that certain acts have a tendency to exalt and ennoble us, while certain other acts have a tendency to degrade and to brutalise us. But it is not possible to make out with certainty which acts have which kind of tendency in relation to all persons, of all sorts and conditions. There is, however, only one idea of duty which has been universally accepted by all mankind, of all ages and sects and countries, and that has been summed up in…

New Age Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 35 )

On another occasion in the same Fair another man gave me a push. When I asked him the reason, he also was ashamed and stammered out an apology saying, “Why do you dress that way?” The sympathies of these men were limited within the range of their own language and their own fashion of dress. Much of the oppression of powerful nations on weaker ones is caused by this prejudice. It dries up their fellow – feeling for fellow men. That very man who asked me why I did not dress as …

Problem Or Perspective – Spirituality Information

More often than I care to admit, I bump into a problem that shakes the very core of my being and challenges the heart of my belief system. At such times, I feel the world closing in around me and a tendency toward desperation begins to raise its ugly head. My first impulse is to fight back, to attack the attacker, to react by either running from or toward the problem.

But I do not follow my first impulse any longer. I now stand back and look at the problem for a while. I o…

Spirituality Information – John Harricharan’s Interview With Yanik Silver (Q3)

Yanik Silver: How do we recognize when the universe is sending us those messages? You know, you have natural physic abilities and I don’t know does everyone have those. Are they latent, are they –?

John Harricharan: I think they all, I think we all have them. Just like we all could possibly play the piano, I certainly can play it, if I where…

Yanik Silver: I don’t know if I could play it?

John Harricharan: Well, this is the difference. We can play it if we…

Spirituality Information – John Harricharan’s Interview With Yanik Silver (Q4)

Yanik Silver: Well, let’s go on a different track now. We’ve talked about all the different three areas. But let’s talk about some place where I’ve spent a lot of time and where I know probably people that are listening to this want to talk about, and that’s building wealth and creating abundance of money. What’s our spiritual path to developing abundance of wealth?

John Harricharan: Actually I think it’s not very different from being healthy and also from getting the…

Spirituality Information – John Harricharan’s Interview With Yanik Silver (Q5)

Yanik Silver: And then the other thing that you mentioned about the giving and to me that comes back to the stealing of — there is people who look at scarcity. There is scarcity minded people and then there is abundant minded people. And I am not saying that that every relationship in every dealing I have I am always trying to think abundantly. I tried to have that in the forefront of my mind. But I know some people when there are — for instance I lost the friend of mi…