How to Improve your Poker Skills
Just like anything else games of skill, such as poker and blackjack require a high degree of knowledge of the game before you can expect to be one of the best. Here are some ways to increase your skills.
How to Keep Predator Fish
Keeping fish can be lots of fun, but no one wants to buy a new fish just to have it eaten or have it eat your other fish, so here is a guide on things to do to ensure this does not happen.
What Casino Games Should I Play?
Every casino, regardless of it being a land based casino or an online casino will offer its players the large selection of the most popular casino games, but which one is right for you.
Why casinos need 24 hour day care
By requiring casinos to offer daycare they could help save the lives of children of gambling addicted parents, and could help the parents receive help for their addiction.
Why so many states are legalizing gambling?
For many years gambling has been outlawed in most of the United States, but recently several states have made the move to legalize gambling in one form or another. In this article we will look at why these states decided to make the change
Blackjack Strategy Tips: How to Win in Blackjack
Here basic blackjack strategy is explained in a clear and simplified manner. Read, memorize and win.
Casinos Most Guarded Secrets
Many people think that the casinos have secrets that if they get out everyone would be winning fortunes in the casinos, and the truth is there are things the casinos do not want you to know. In this article we will spill the beans and tell you all their darkest secrets.
Fly Around the World Reviewing Casinos
E-Mail a funny story that happened to you in a casino and the Author of the most popular submission will be offered a job reviewing casinos around the globe.
How to Act on a First Date
Usually by the time you have a first date you have either already meet someplace, or have at least talked on the telephone or over the internet, and there should at least be some amount of interest in each other or why would you have agreed to the date in the first place.
How to buy a used car
Purchasing a used car does not have to be a gamble. If you use your head when shopping for a new car the chances of getting a good car are much better then your odds of winning in a casino, but the problem is many people look at it like Roulette. They place down their money and hope for a winner, when they should be looking at buying a used car as a poker game. In poker you have to believe you are going to win or you lay down your cards and walk away, and that is the best advice for buying a car. If you think the car is not the best you can get or that the seller is not telling you something, leave and find another one.