Motivational Courses Using Hypnotherapy NLP And Life Coaching Part 2/3

Now all of those are great reasons to go to the gym, but did they get you there? No. If the pleasure of going was a good enough reason, you would have done it already! So your commitment to this motivation you want, will be tested by using pain. During the motivational courses I have provided in St Albans, I have found that people are put off by this relatively simple concept which is really just about getting leverage. Leverage is a bit of an American term, but it gives us a…

Motivational Courses Using Life Coaching Hypnotherapy And NLP Part 3/3

In my St Albans Motivation Courses, I offer Hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching. Hypnotherapy is a deep state of relaxation that allows unconscious changes to be made easily. NLP stands for Neuro linguistic programming, which are different techniques and strategies to help you communicate more effectively to yourself and others, and have greater control over your emotional state. Life coaching is a means of establishing where you are now, where you want to be in the future an…

Motivational Courses Using NLP Hypnotherapy And Life Coaching Part 1/3

Throughout my St Albans motivation courses, I make it clear that in order to be motivated you need to be moving. The word motivation leads us to think about being enthused, inspired and driven and these are important qualities for a human being to posses. They are the feelings that get us out of bed in the morning, that enable us to work in pressurised environment and that help us to grow. Everything in the universe is either growing or dying, and if you want to avoid the lat…