You Can’t Do Everything First

My granddaddy ran one of the biggest plumbing shops in his town, and when he’d spy one of his men dithering over what to do next, he’d simply say, “Son, you can’t do everything first.” And neither can you or I. If all your options are good, then it doesn’t really matter which one you choose first. Throw a dart if you have to, but move. Make a decision. Get yourself into motion.

Ask Don’t Tell Leadership: When To Start Your Own Business?

When to start your own business?

Q: After working at one company for 10 years, I would like to begin my own business. What issues do I need to consider, and how do I know when it is the right time to take the “big step?”

A: Almost 20 years ago, my roommate asked me to spend a day of my vacation in New York spying on his competition at a tradeshow. I made up a story to tell the vendors at the show — I was planning to start a fundraising call center for politicians and w…

Ask Don’t Tell Leadership: Why Do I Need A Business Plan?

Why you need a business plan!!!

Q: In last week’s column, you gave advice about starting a business, and you kept preaching about writing a business plan. I own a business, I don’t have a plan, and I’m doing just fine. What’s the big deal?

A: How do you know your business is doing “fine” if you do not have a business plan? This is like a runner stating that he is “fast” when asked his running pace. Quality and success cannot be measured without having benchmarks and goa…

The Indisputable Power Of Focus

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all the projects you have on your plate?

I’m sure you have. We ALL have.

But, if you want to seriously grow your business, you need to learn to focus your efforts.

A lot of folks don’t. And usually, they never GET anywhere because they’re spreading themselves too thin.

That’s a one-way ticket to frustration and confusion.

There are a lot of ways to make moneee online. You can write an ebook (or better yet… outsource the darn …

Graceful Chaos

On any given day, each of us must adapt to life and pass through it gracefully. Occasionally things are going well, then out of the blue a big truck bears down on us, forcing us to stop or change directions. How we deal with such routine chaos determines whether we prosper or fail.

What Does It Take To Be An Entrepreneur?

Over the years countless institutes and individuals have asked the million dollar question. What makes an entrepreneur an entrepreneur? What traits or characteristics are inherent to a successful entrepreneur and is one born with those traits? There’s great news! Successful entrepreneurs are born every day!

Some people believe an entrepreneur is born while others believe an entrepreneur can be taught. Some believe an entrepreneur is like an artist – either you have it or d…