Anger Management Hypnosis
As a human being, you are provided with a means to show how you feel by displaying emotion. Aside from elation, fear and sadness, anger is considered to be an intense feeling. In biological terms, anger maybe caused by an interaction with hormones triggering it. In simple terms, people see anger as an intense emotion that can be triggered by external and internal factors.
The fast-paced world has made people ignore anger and yet find themselves unnaturally irate about smal…
Coping With Anger In An Effective Manner
Anger can express itself in a variety of forms. Some people express anger in an overwhelming fashion; they shout, curse, and can cross the boundary to physical expressions. Others keep their anger pent up, but express it in forms of passive aggression, sulking, bad moods and eventually even bad health..
Anger management does not focus on completely getting rid of the emotion anger. That would be impossible. Instead working on anger management can help you to guide your rea…
Don’t Quit Smoking! Immediately
“How to stop smoking? Hey, it’s the easiest thing in the world, I have done it a hundred times”….. So goes the hoary old joke. It brings a smile from some, a frown from the others and hacking cough from the smokers.
It is no joke for the smokers, however they may smile at it. At heart every smoker wants to stop. Many of them are knowledgeable enough to know how, but can’t quit the fags because the habit is too deeply ingrained.
A) What won’t work?
Gradually decreasin…
Don’t Quit Smoking! Immediately Part III
The Ultimate Stage – Staying off
Hey, are you still with me?? Good. You have made it.
The changes you feel:
You will find a lot of changes in you. Improvements mostly. You feel more …umm.. let’s say Able. You have more stamina, you can walk faster, you cough less, perhaps your palpitations have stopped, you feel better with yourself….
Medically, there are a thousand ways in which you have helped yourself and others.
One laughable change that I noticed was chang…
Hypnosis Gives You That Burst Of Mental Energy To Succeed On The Field
From elite athletes to Sunday joggers, the ability to maintain energy levels and drive to succeed can wax and wane on a regular basis. Training schedules reflect goals and plans. A marathon schedule, for example, often contains several types of runs. During the week interval training takes precedence when time is limited. At the weekend, long runs are a key element of marathon training and can take from two to three hours at a time. In order to remain motivated, the mind and …
Hypnosis Helps Cure Your Jealousy
Jealousy doesn’t often seem unreasonable at first. Your partner or spouse stays late at work for the twelfth time this month. You decide to give them a call, just to see if they want something special when they return home, and there is no answer. You weren’t suspicious before, but the answering machine at the other end gives you a nagging doubt.
That doubt begins to grow when your partner returns home late into the night complaining about all of the tough work they have …
Look Inside Of Your Mind To Quit Smoking.
Being able to quit smoking can be accomplished by merely the power of suggestion with a hypnotherapy stop smoking programme. For smokers, cigarettes are very important. Even with the rising costs and numerous health warnings, smokers still do not ever leave home without them. Most smokers do want to quit, some have even made several failed attempts, and others go to successfully quit but trade the smoking health related problems for an extra 40 or 50 pounds.
Smoking is an …
Lowering Stress Levels In The Rat Race
Stress on the job is a part of the rat race. Trying to problem-solve, working in large groups in open spaces, and sound levels: the list of demands on us is endless. Stress can affect all aspects of life; it can lead to heart disease, anxiety attacks, high blood pressure, and burnout.
All of these problems are a catastrophe for both employer and employee. The sacrifice both have invested into the working relationship can lead to distressing results for both sides of this e…
Stop Smoking: The Best Way
Addiction to smoking is something that affects many people around the world. With the wide availability of cigarettes in today’s world, it is extremely easy to get hooked early to nicotine and tobacco. Everyone knows that cigarettes can cause serious health problems, but still people smoke. People smoke for a whole range of reasons, but none of them can seem to put down the cigarettes when they need to. In the end, it comes down to a mental issue that prevents people from bei…
Stop Smoking Hypnosis
Have you tried endlessly to quit smoking only to fail after just a month, week or even a day? Do you want a healthy and secure future knowing that you will be free from smoking and have reduced the risk of getting all of the nasty illness’ that smoking offers? Are you just fed up and want to quit now? Stopping smoking can be as easy as you want to make it with hypnotherapy and Self Hypnosis. In fact science proves just how successful hypnosis is for stopping smoking, so why n…