Hypnotism Help

Hypnosis is a therapy that can be used to improve the concentration levels and thereby achieving your goals and ambitions in life. Hypnosis helps to increase the self confidence and self esteem.

If you have got more good traits but you are shy to express anything then you certainly need hypnosis therapy. You need not be arrogant or selfish, but you should possess self confidence to achieve your goals. For improving self confidence you should first get ready mentally to rem…

Hypnotism Techniques

Hypnotism is a temporary trance-like state of extreme concentration. It is induced by the person known as a hypnotist. His suggestions are immediately accepted by the subject. Hypnotism is the scientific use of hypnosis. And some professionals use hypnotism to treat the patients having certain psychological or medical problems.

Some hypnotism techniques are being used from the ancient times. As such, hypnosis is a natural part of the human behavior affecting social, physic…

Levels, Phases And A Closer Look At Hypnosis

In a Hypnotist practicing Therapeutic use of Hypnosis, important qualities required are: Imagination, Concentration and Motivation. These are also the qualities desirable for a subject.

Hypnosis is sleep of the nervous system. So there is a decrease in the rate of respiration, decrease in blood circulation thus sluggish brain waves. Under the normal consciousness, the brain waves are at Beta wave level. However, with hypnosis, brain waves slow down to alpha waves than to t…

Mind Control Tutorial

Mind control is a process of making any individual loose their control over their own thinking and behavior. Many mind control experiments are done through physical force and violence. You should not confuse Hypnotism with mind control. The two are different terms.

Mind control can be enforced by religion, politics, parents’ behavior etc. Mind control has been related to two syndromes. They are Battered person syndrome and Stockholm syndrome. Battered person syndrome is no…

Motivational Courses Using Hypnotherapy NLP And Life Coaching Part 2/3

Now all of those are great reasons to go to the gym, but did they get you there? No. If the pleasure of going was a good enough reason, you would have done it already! So your commitment to this motivation you want, will be tested by using pain. During the motivational courses I have provided in St Albans, I have found that people are put off by this relatively simple concept which is really just about getting leverage. Leverage is a bit of an American term, but it gives us a…

Motivational Courses Using Life Coaching Hypnotherapy And NLP Part 3/3

In my St Albans Motivation Courses, I offer Hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching. Hypnotherapy is a deep state of relaxation that allows unconscious changes to be made easily. NLP stands for Neuro linguistic programming, which are different techniques and strategies to help you communicate more effectively to yourself and others, and have greater control over your emotional state. Life coaching is a means of establishing where you are now, where you want to be in the future an…

Motivational Courses Using NLP Hypnotherapy And Life Coaching Part 1/3

Throughout my St Albans motivation courses, I make it clear that in order to be motivated you need to be moving. The word motivation leads us to think about being enthused, inspired and driven and these are important qualities for a human being to posses. They are the feelings that get us out of bed in the morning, that enable us to work in pressurised environment and that help us to grow. Everything in the universe is either growing or dying, and if you want to avoid the lat…

Nicotine In Cigarettes – Addictive Or Not?

The debate continues between medical experts and rehabilitation specialists as to whether or not nicotine in cigarettes is actually an addictive substance.

Many people are unaware of the hotly debated topic of nicotine as a n addictive substance. Some experts claim the substance is ‘only’ a psychological addiction, while other specialists claim it is in fact a physiological affliction.

I was once contacted by a professional hypnotist who rebuked me for my assertion th…

Paddle Fabrication On The Brown And Stinky Creek!

We’ve all been there. Nothing in our sights but nasty threats, impatiently waiting challenges, bad smelling dooms, and impossibly ugly situations. I am referring to the feeling of helplessly sailing into a paralyzing cacophony of menacing boogie-men and purple meanies just ready to pounce. There is a colloquial phrase for this– colorfully expressed as being up a certain particularly smelly creek without a paddle. I think you know what I mean.

While the threats may be more…

Stop Smoking: The Best Way

Addiction to smoking is something that affects many people around the world. With the wide availability of cigarettes in today’s world, it is extremely easy to get hooked early to nicotine and tobacco. Everyone knows that cigarettes can cause serious health problems, but still people smoke. People smoke for a whole range of reasons, but none of them can seem to put down the cigarettes when they need to. In the end, it comes down to a mental issue that prevents people from bei…