The Motivation Of Second Half Thinking

Football matches are won or lost in the second half. It does not matter what code of football is being played, and it does not only apply to football. It is how you finish that counts – in any sport or competition or campaign. It applies to your life. Look at your life as one complete match or look at your current circumstance and assess where you are in terms of the half time break and begin now to strategize the finish.

I saw this very clearly on one occasion when I was …

All Successful People Do This…And You Too Can Do It

Did you know that by applying a simple strategy you can become successful beyond your imagination?!

Success is not dedicated for a certain category of lucky talented people and hence anyone can become similar to those success gurus.

Success doesn’t depend on your environment, circumstances, level of education, financial situation,…etc.

All successful people faced a lot of negative circumstances and failures before they achieve what they want. They were poor, with l…

Vision: How Leaders See The Invisible

One of the things that links the great leaders of history with the ordinary leader in the workplace is that both have a vision of what they and their followers can achieve. This article explores how leaders realize their visions.

Work – Satisfying Goals

Every business talks of goals. No business can run without goals and no business can achieve anything without goals. The goals give direction to the business about where to head and what to achieve.

What Stops You?

Have you ever had a terrific idea which you didn’t act on? Of course you have. I don’t mean anything fancy either. Nothing earth-shattering. Just a plain old-fashioned good idea which would have made you more money. But you didn’t get moving on it.

Oh well.

I have a friend I’ll call James. James is an independent management consultant and a deep, creative thinker. I have great respect for his abilities to understand his clients and develop unique solutions for them. But…

Thinking About Thinking – Part 1 of 2

How much time do you spend just thinking? Take a guess – how much during any given day, week or month? I’m don’t mean the kind of thinking you do while driving in your car, commuting on the train, during your morning run, or even in the shower. I’m referring to the kind of thinking you do ensconced in your office, or your den, or perhaps your garden. You are not reading a book or a magazine, nor watching TV, nor listening to music. You are simply thinking.

How much time d…

Thinking About Thinking – Part 2 Of 2

Like many of my clients, I am always looking for ways to speed things up – to produce more results with the same or even fewer resources. We probably agree on this. The key is certainly not about working harder; it may not even be about working smarter. But there are definitely ideas which work, and those ideas need to be uncovered. Often you can find them through analytical thinking. In my last article I discussed this: a process of asking deliberate questions, and in a disc…

A Reality Check On Your Marketing Strategy

The ‘Marketing Scenario’ is a practical tool designed to help you make sure that you have a winning marketing strategy to support your brand. You will do a reality check on those dreams of success to learn if they make any sense.

Creating Meteoric Successes in Marketing

The Marketing Hits’ Formula and its implementation method allows for marketing innovation that will be accepted with immediate enthusiasm by target consumers and will spread virally.

E-marketing Basics: Pro And Cons Of Hour Targeting

One of the main advantages of advanced internet technologies is the possibility of hour targeting for ads served to web sites.

Exactly how such targeting is done, that is a tech issue far beyond our e-Marketing topic. What is important to us, e-Marketers, is to be aware of this facility web servers have and use it towards making online campaigns more efficient.

Hour targeting is especially useful when:

– we already know the online buying habits of our target;
– we w…