6 Steps To Releasing Anger And Feeling Good Again
Anger is a lethal force that undermines our lives in all kinds of ways. Sometimes it erupts openly and other times it camouflages itself and covertly undermines your life. Some experience anger as strength and power. They feel it is necessary in order to maintain control. Others assume they have the right to express anger. These are some of the lies anger tells us.
In fact, when we are angry we are out of control and our ability to respond wisely is diminished. It’s time t…
How To Break The Addiction To Anger
It is easy to become addicted. We are all creatures of habit. Habits provide a sense of certainty, security and stability in our lives. When they are disrupted our sense of well being becomes easily threatened. However, when we depend upon a habit for our sense of well being, it is easy for it to develop into an addiction.
Addiction to anger is one of the most common and lethal addictions, and one most seldom recognized. The anger addict becomes hooked by the false sense o…
How To Feed The Hungry Heart
Most of us live our lives hungry, hungry for love, attention, praise, success. But no matter how much we take in, it’s hard to be satisfied and feel full. We may get what we need momentarily, but then before long we’re craving more. It is easy to spend each day waiting for tomorrow when we will get what we dream of. Most think that tomorrow they will arrive arrive at their goal, find a new job, have good weather, or finally, magically, meet the love of their life.
But when…
How We Sabotage Ourselves And What To Do About It
Everyone wants to be beautiful, young, healthy and fit. There is no end to the diets, workouts and health plans. Yet the most important diet of all has been overlooked. This is a diet that releases stress, relaxes muscles, offers sound sleep, diminishes appetite, and makes you look and feel younger; it brings you new friends, a happy work environment, good relationships, and adds years to your life.
This is the diet from anger– one of the worst plagues facing our nation.An…
Teachers: Job Stress Reduction
Teachers, job stress reduction is important to your health. You know that. Your physical bodies, emotions, minds, and spirits are all involved in school work. Even on holiday, you may find yourself working, or at least thinking about your work.
Such dedication need not be negative. A teacher should, above all, be a person who wants to make a big difference in students’ lives. The challenge is to make that difference without permitting stress to drive you out of teaching. …
The Best Way To Handle Post Traumatic Stress: How To Handle Sudden Shock And Loss
What Causes Post Traumatic Syndrome On
We all feel that the world is stable and secure, that sudden change and loss will not happen, at least not to those or us we know. When the world as we know it suddenly changes and the impossible happens, not only can we experience shock and trauma, but our normal anchors can disappear. Confusion arises, numbness and sometimes a sense of helplessness.
We may fear for our continuing safety and the safety of those we love, and not kn…
Zen Steps For Calming Down Easily
It’s easy to calm down quickly. No matter what is happening around us, we never have to become trapped in stress or anxiety. It’s important to learn how to calm down quickly this as negative emotions can easily become addictive. The longer we hold onto them, the harder it can be to let go. Zen offers many pathways to becoming free of negativity. This article is based upon Zen principles and value-centered counseling. It offers enjoyable and effective steps to calming down, fe…
5 Quick Stress Busters
How do you react when your plans fall through? Do you roll with the punches? Or does anxiety keep you from enjoying life? To a great extent, our personality determines how we deal with stress in our lives, but here are 5 things to help keep your stress under control.
Exercise Your Way to Stress Reduction
It is easy to let stress take over your life. From career to family to health to money to any and everything in between, most people feel like there simply isn’t enough time in a day to get everything done
From Anger to Peace of Mind
Anger has many faces. It appears in various forms and camouflages itself, causing serious consequences. Today anger is a problem for one out of every five Americans and growing. This article shows what anger is, when it appears, and how it affects all aspects of your life. The article, based upon The Anger Diet, by Dr. Brenda Shoshanna, also shows some of the 24 forms of anger and gives specific steps to dissolve them. You will be surprised how simle it can be.