5 Stress Reduction Tips To Help You Avoid Holiday Burnout

The festive season is fast approaching and for many people, stress depression and anxiety can make this season anything but merry. Here’s 5 stress reduction tips to help you avoid burnout during the holidays:

• Lower your expectations. The holidays are so exciting! Being with loved ones, Christmas decorations, lights, presents and much feasting! As the holiday approaches, expectations increase as to how the holiday will be only for them to be dashed when the holidays arriv…

Anxiety – Americanization ( Part 1 )

Along an island in the North Sea,five miles from the Dutch Coast,stretches a dangerous ledge of rocks that has proved the graveyard of many a vessel sailing that turbulent sea. On this island once lived a group of men who, as each vessel was wrecked, looted the vessel and murdered those of the crew who reached shore. The government of the Netherlands decided to exterminate the island pira tes,and for the job King William selected a young lawyer at The Hague.

“I want you to…

Getting Some Anxiety And Stress Relief

Everyone is seeking some form of anxiety and stress relief. Hopefully you haven’t resorted to self-medication with alcohol. Rather than applying a balm to the sore of stress, why not find a way to stop the stress from getting out of hand in the first place. I’ll take preventative medicine over reactive medicine any day.

One effective approach to getting anxiety and stress relief is to address the thinking in your mind that is causing the stress. The whole field of cognitiv…

How Meditation Can Change Your Life

Current research estimates that the average person has over 60,000 thoughts per day, 90 percent of which are replications of our thoughts from yesterday. Moreover, people spend almost half their time worrying, and 90 percent of those worries never come true.

On the other hand, most of us can remember those glorious moments when we experienced unbound love, sparks of wisdom and understanding; the moments when we felt total harmony with the world around us and harmony within…

Reducing The Stress In Your Life: Personal & Realistic Solutions

Stress, like the weather, is ever present in our lives. While unavoidable, we can make it more manageable, just as we can dress appropriately to suit weather conditions. Stress, defined as our reactions to external situations or internal psychological states, affects our physical health and emotional well-being. Despite all the advice that has been written about stress, why are so many of us overwhelmed by it?

One reason is that we find it difficult to accept that living i…

Relieve Stress At Work 5 Quick And Easy Tips

Stress at work is inevitable. You can’t stop it from coming, but you can change the way you handle it. Instead of having a meltdown right in the middle of the office, why not try one of these 5 quick and end easy stress reducers?

Take A Break.

It’s easy to let your feelings take over when everyone around you seems like an idiot! But, remember, your fellow workers are just trying to get through the day the best they can too.

Instead of losing your cool, try taking a q…

Stress Is The Part Of Life

Stress, in the negative sense, is the root cause of all problems.

Stress, in the positive sense, is the galvanizing force for all creative and constructive activities.

Stress relief has to be achieved– it is both art and science!

When you manage the stress, the negative tendencies fall apart. And when this happens, relief is the natural outcome.

You manage stress relief over any particular issue. Soon you are upset over another issue, which means that your mind r…

Stress Relief – Self Reliance ( Part 18 )

Hudson and Behring accomplished so much in their fishing-boats as to astonish Parry and Franklin, whose equipment exhausted the resources of science and art. Galileo, with an opera-glass, discovered a more splendid series of celestial phenomena than any one since. Columbus found the New World in an undecked boat. It is curious to see the periodical disuse and perishing of means and machinery which were introduced with loud laudation a few years or centuries before. The great …

Stress Relief Exercises

In today’s society, stress is prevalent in almost everyone’s life. It does not matter where you live; the stress is still there. Stress related illnesses are on the rise in the World today.

There are many ways to reduce stress, however, the medical community has recommended that exercise is the best way.

There are many advantages to stress relief exercises. You are not only getting in shape, but stress relief exercises can also give you more energy when you are feeling …

Stress Relief Techniques For A Preschool Child – Part One

Many years ago, children from birth to four or five years of age exercised natural preschool stress relief. Training in preschool stress relief was both unknown and unnecessary. Stay at home mothers never worried about trying to increase self-concept in their preschool children. They did not work to instill artificial coping skills and specialized anger management skills in pre-schoolers. Common sense dictated preschool stress relief efforts.

In the twenty-first century, h…