Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

This is a question that most people grapple with from time to time and it has largely been on my mind this past week. You see one of the best people I know — my Uncle Carl — had a very bad accident this week. While working on the wood lot with his son, his hand got caught in a log splitter. In the end the damage was so severe that his left hand had to be amputated.

Guilt, Resentment, and Our Struggles

There is a profound connection between the feelings of guilt and resentment and the problems you struggle with: sex, money, weight, ambition, relationships, and parenting. A deeper understanding of these feelings will help you solve these problems.

Don’t Pull Up The Seeds When You’ve Just Sown Them

All new ventures of goal-building follow a set pattern in which your initial euphoria is quickly replaced by lonely struggle. Don’t let this phase fool you into giving up as it does for so many. This article will show you how to treat this phase as an essential part of your success.