Stuttering And It Can Impact On A Persons Life

For people who are fluent, it is hard to comprehend what it must be like to have a stutter. This article describes some of the tasks that can prove difficult and stressful for the person who has a stutter, tasks which fluent people simply take for granted.

Be Confident- Do Not Let Your Boss Drag You Down

People we meet and have to see on a regular basis can have a negative affect on your life and self-confidence, but only if you let them. I am a person who would get dragged down by any negative comment made from a friend or by my boss for example. This article is about how to deal with these situations and how to not let these people and their comments make you feel like a second class citizen.

How To Overcome A Stammer

My name is Stephen Hill, I have overcome a stammer which had been a major thorn in my side for eighteen years. My aim in life is to try and help as many other people to achieve fluency as I can.

Information About Speech Therapy Courses

My name is Stephen Hill. I am thirty-two years of age and live in Birmingham, England. From the age of four I unfortunately had a speech impediment known as stuttering. This impediment basically ruined my life for eighteen years before I finally managed to overcome the stutter. This article is all about stuttering or as some people call it stammering.

Learning How To Deal With A Bully

Most people at some stage of their lives will become the victim of bullying. People may think that this only occurs at school, however a lot of bullying also occurs in the workplace and even by your local neighbours. This article describes how I have learnt to deal with these nasty people, by playing what I call the nutter card.

Phobia Of Speech

This article is about the fear and phobia of speech. Not everybody is able to talk fluently in all situations and for people who aren’t, life can be quite tough. I hope you enjoy reading the article.

Speech Therapy For Children Who Stutter

Do you have a stutter? Does one of your children have a stutter? Do you know somebody who has a stutter? This article is all about the speech impediment known as stuttering or stammering. It includes information about stuttering and also treatments which are available to help people who stutter to achieve fluency.

Stuttering Help

How many fluent people ever consider what life is like for somebody with a stutter?

Going through life with a stutter is quite difficult, and at times the stutterer would appreciate a little more compasion.

Stuttering Self Help

I am Stephen Hill from Birmingham in England. I started to stutter at the age of four or five. My parents took me to a lot of different types of speech therapy, some in groups, some on a one to one basis. The kind of advice I was given to control my stutter or to overcome my stutter were varied.