Should I Give Up Me To Not Lose You?

How far can you afford to bend your values to preserve your relationship? How far can you go in giving yourself up to avoid losing your partner? How much of yourself can you afford to sacrifice to not lose someone you love? How do we find the balance between maintaining our integrity and bending our values?

Why Is Love Important?

So often we spend most of our time taking care of our physical needs. We make sure our bodies are fed, cleaned, clothed, exercised and rested. We also make sure intellectual stimulation and entertainment is a priority. Yet we also overlook the most important need — love.

Of course, as a society, love is not overlooked. Popular media constantly places great emphasis on what we need to do and how we should look to attract “love”. But being loved is not as powerful an emotio…

Victory Dance Your Way to Success

How often have you reached a goal or passed a milestone without experiencing a single moment of enjoyment or satisfaction? Did you feel let down because reaching your goal wasn’t as hard as you expected it to be?

Dating – Be Prepared For Getting Hurt

Many of us hate dating for all the trouble it involves. You never know what kind of person will your date be? You have some clues, but as you know more about him/her, your enthusiasm dips.

Dating – Stress Hurts Relationship

Stress is one of the most common used words. it is also one of the most common problems we all face. Stress kills the joy of living. Think about your friends, and you will surely point to one who always looks stressed.

Men- Do You Attract Women?

For many men, attracting women looks very difficult. For few men, it is very simple. The women get attracted to them automatically.

3 Ways To Help Overcome The Fear Of Success

Imagine telling a significant role model in your life something new and exciting. An idea or event that has stimulated you both mentally and physically. It can be anything from trying out for a dramatic play, joining a sports team, beginning a new career, starting a new marriage, losing weight, developing a new outlook, changing your image, or continuing your education. Instead of receiving an encouraging comment, what you hear instead is: “That’s ridiculous,” “You’re always …

4 Keys To Creating Successful Habits

What makes successful people successful?

We would all love to be able to walk down to the local supermarket and pick up a bottle of success. But let’s look past that fantasy and find out one of the most basic reasons why people become successful.

Right now, think of someone that you know personally who is successful. Can you see their face in your mind?


Now ask yourself this question, “Does this person have a successful routine or set of habits that makes th…

5 Keys To Overcome Failure

Everyone hates to fail but what most people don’t realize is that failing is part of success. Anyone who has ever succeeded has failed many times. So, how do you overcome failure?

Here are 5 keys to overcoming failure.

1. Learn from your mistakes and failures.

How did you learn to ride a bike? The short answer: you fell off 100 times. Every time you make a mistake or fail, learn as much as you can from it so that you are better prepared next time.

Action Step: Wri…