Success Stories—Reliving The Past Helps You Build The Future

One of the exercises that I have many clients do is list out all the successes they’ve had in life. I ask them to start with early childhood and list everything they can remember being successful at. One of my clients recently gave the assignment to his girlfriend. She asked me afterwards what the point was. She hadn’t found it very useful.

What I told her is that that I’ve found that this exercise serves two important services. First, it’s a self esteem booster. Most peop…

Raise Your Elevator Speech To The Top Floor With Powerful Emotions

If your elevator speech sparks a buyer’s curiosity, it’s only doing half the job. Your elevator speech should not only spark curiosity but also awaken powerful emotions. Small business owners can learn success from the Madison Avenue and branding experts about how to design advertisements and messages that drive consumers to feel and act upon their emotions.

While networking with other business leaders, I’m often surprised at how few utilize these techniques to their advan…

Moving Past Fear To Small Business Success

One of my clients is in a transition stage with her business. Her practice has become so successful that she no longer has the time to do her administrative work or even the marketing work that helped her become successful. I am working with her developing a plan to hire administrative and functional staff that will allow her to continue to grow her business and enjoy her work life.

One of the issues we are facing which affects many business owners is that if she doesn’t h…

Fall In Love With Your Business Again

Why did you start your business? Most business owners start their businesses because they desire personal freedom. They want to be their own boss. They have a great idea that they want to try. They are in love with all of these ideas. When you started your business, I bet you were full of passion and excitement. It was like the first days of a new romance. All you could think about or talk about was your business. What an exciting time.

Today, on Valentine’s Day, I’d like …