About Depression

Depression is often described as a psychological disease. There are several types of depression, ranging from mild to severe. It’s hard to identify factors that cause depression. However there have been many studies done to try and understand the underlying causes of depression to help prevent it. Moreover, more studies have been performed on what type of medical assistance helps to treat depression best.

The most noticeable symptom of depression is feeling sad for a long …

Anxiety Attack Symptoms: What You Should Know To Overcome Anxiety Disorder

Learning about anxiety attack symptoms is an important step in the recovery process if you suffer from an anxiety disorder. Anyone who suffers from such a disorder is certainly well versed in the types of symptoms that frequently accompany anxiety attacks; however, in order to learn to cope with and even overcome these symptoms it is imperative that one must first learn why these symptoms occur in connection with anxiety disorders.

The most common symptom of any anxiety d…

Fibromyalgia, CFS, Musculoskeletal Balance And The Alexander Technique: Part 1

What I want to concentrate on is precisely how The Alexander Technique can be used as part of an adjunctive strategy along with other techniques, with the objective of alleviating your Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms.

In this article I do not want to repeat all the information available on the internet about the history of FM Alexander and how he developed his techniques.

All the techniques I detail have a way of dove-tailing into each other and symbi…

Stress And Social Anxiety

One of the major symptoms associated with social anxiety is stress. Stress works two ways – the social anxiety can cause it, and the stress can intensify the social anxiety. Stress can be a big problem, because it leads to other health related problems, such as high blood pressure or heart attack.

Stress can also cause headaches, ulcers, insomnia, excessive fatigue, and muscle pain. When a person who suffers from social anxiety is contemplating a social interaction or situ…

Suicide Prevention

Many people contemplate suicide, but often don’t mean it. In some cases, people actually undergo number of events that pressure the person to take suicide as an alternate option, rather than bearing such pain. As a friend, or at least as a human, one must take some sort of measure to help them.

The thing one must to do is to talk to them. The first thing is to ask whether there is something wrong, and if it can be helped. If they say no, but it seems like there is a proble…

The Alexander Technique, Fibromyalgia, CFS: End Gaining, Tension, Release And The Four Concepts Of Good Use; Part 2

Society has made remarkable medical and scientific advances over the last few hundred years, but there are still many serious diseases that continue to baffle doctors and scientists.

Indeed, many “diseases of modern society” are reaching epidemic proportions.

These include backache, neck and shoulder pain, arthritis and spinal diseases, asthma and auto-immune conditions, depression, neuroses and insomnia.

At the very apex of “diseases of modern society”, come 6 milli…

The Alexander Technique, Fibromyalgia And Cfs: Implementing The Four Concepts: Part 3

Alexander’s 4 concepts of good use:

1. Allow your neck to release so that your head can balance forward and up
2. Allow your torso to release into length and width
3. Allow your legs to release away from your pelvis
4. Allow your shoulders to release out to the sides

What exactly do we mean by release?

Try this little exercise while you are reading this article.

Pick up a cup as though you are going to drink from it.

Hold the cup close to your mouth and rele…

Stress Management

Have you ever said the words, “This job/my life is so stressful!” Or something else along those lines?

Most people believe that stress is something that happens in their lives. They believe it is the result of outside circumstances beyond their control. We are stressed if our work is too difficult. We get stressed when people in our lives aren’t doing what we want them to do. We are stressed when it’s been too long since a vacation. We get stress over deaths, weddings, ma…