Do You Know Your Flock?

Have you seen the mattress commercial with the little sheep that try to convince mattress buyers to buy their brand? The commercials crack me up every time I see it, and the image of those sheep came to mind recently as I was spending my morning time renewing my mind in The Word and was reading about God having appointed shepherds over His flock. He talked about how the shepherd was just thinking about himself and not taking care of his sheep. I then asked God to show me how …

5 Tips to Help You Identify WHO To Market To

If you have your own small business, it’s important to decide exactly who you will be marketing your products or services to. Here are 5 tips to help you easily choose the best audience.

Marketing Tips – On a Budget

Marketing a business doesn’t have to be expensive if you just remember to network and use all the tools available to you.

Top Ten Questions to Ask Yourself When Selecting Your Target Market

Target Market is defined as the group to which you aim your marketing efforts. The more clearly you define and understand your market, the better you can market directly to that group. Talk their language, answer their problems, and show that your really “get” them and they are more likely to do business with you. Here are some questions to help you better define your target market.

The Beginning Is…The Business Plan

A business plan is crucial to business success. The business summary should give a brief description of the entire business and comprise: objectives/goals and a detailed marketing plan to include the target market, the competition, online advertising, pricing, shipping/delivery and payment methods.