5 Reasons Why Recordkeeping Is So Important

When you decided to start your business, was your first priority concerned with setting up your filing system for recording your expenses? I seriously doubt it. This simple task (yes it is simple) is usually the item that is the last thing on the new business owner’s mind. The more “important” issues of what product to sell, how am I going to advertise, how much money is it going to cost me, and how much money can I make are the first questions we consider when going into bus…

Quickbooks Tips

QuickBooks is a great accounting program for home-based businesses to track their income and expenses. It is easy to learn and simple to use. It has a great Help file. You do not need an accounting background to be able to generate reports such as a Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet needed for tax preparation and managing your business. I have listed a few key points to consider when using QuickBooks.

Cash or Accrual Basis of Accounting? The first step in setting up your c…

Pay yourself first

Schools do not teach thrift: college, high school, junior high—our system doesn’t place a high priority on frugality. And what a shame. We should put money aside regularly using a simple system—pay yourself first.

Emergencies-Are you prepared?

A young man got into a car accident resulting in many bedridden months in the hospital and $100,000 of debt in hospital bills.

Tips to Avoid Identity Theft

What is rampant, spreading like wildfire and can kill life as you know it? No, not a deadly virus (but close). Answer: Identity theft.