Working with Difficult People: 3 Questions to Help You Turn Your Tormentors into Teachers
When faced with the prospect of meeting with a confrontational employee, the project manager of a New Hampshire insurance company heaved a sigh. Not again, he thought to himself. Every conversation with this guy is a struggle.
How To Develop Creative Thinking
In my opinion, creativity is the real genius. Intelligent children learn fast, and apply their knowledge in everyday life situations. But – inventing something new, creating something original, that is real genius. I always admire originality, whether it is original artwork, an original story, or an invention that can make life easier for many people.
How can we teach our children creative thinking? How can we teach them the habit of thinking “outside the box”?
Here are…
Building Positive Relationships with your Custodial Staff
The custodial and maintenance staff isn’t just around to sweep the floors, empty the wastebaskets, and clean up messes. They play an important role in the school environment.
A Teaching Resume Will Define All Your Strong Points And Qualifications, Displaying You As The Best Choice For The Job.
A teachers resume should be a brief document in which you provide as much as evidence as you can to the employer that you will be a good teacher.