Evaluating Your Team Building Activities

Don’t be fooled into thinking that any weekend activity will pull your organization together into a team. A real team building event meets a number of important criteria that will help transform your work group into a cohesive team that works together seamlessly.

Executive Team Building

Description: Executive team building can be effective by utilizing conflict management, critical thinking and problem solving skills. In so doing, problem areas will be improved and the team will be revitalized and motivated towards success.

Five Questions to Ask Before Forming a Team

A project or challenge comes up and many people, without thinking, immediately form a team to research, solve the problem and implement the solution. Teams can be a very powerful way to solve problems and implement massive improvements. But teams aren’t the right answer to every situation.

Fun Team Building Activities

Team building activities allow you to improve productivity at work by utilizing creative and critical thinking, trust-building, problem solving, and conflict resolution skills.

Ideas for Team Building-Building an Effective Team

Team building allows you to generate ideas, resolve conflict and merge personalities in order to complement and balance all members of the team. Some examples include having one on one honest meetings to elicit trust, ensuring that each member contributes to final solutions, etc.

Low Cost Team Building Exercises

Are you interested in increasing teamwork within your company? Many companies are searching for ways to promote teamwork at their company, however some do not have the funds available to hire an outside company to encourage team building. Are you interested in corporate team building exercises that can be done at your office? If so, there are many available options.

Not Another Ice-Breaker! Team Building with a Purpose

Offsites are a very effective means to getting the team focused on solving a business problem, defining a strategy, or creating a revolutionary way of doing things. Done well, an offsite not only puts great minds together to address a business issue but it also builds better teams that work more effectively together and get more things done. Done poorly, an offsite will be viewed as a huge waste of time and will poorly reflect on you as a leader. Get seven tips for holding great team-building offsites.

Office Team Building Exercises

By utilizing office team building exercises, you’ll improve your company’s internal communications, morale, trust and cohesiveness. Some examples include use of arts, sports, games or any structured form of interacting that requires teamwork.

Outdoor Team Building Activities

Outdoor team building activities strengthen your company’s communication skills and cooperative working abilities while reducing stress. Some examples include treasure hunts, sporting events, games, wilderness adventures, and more.