What To Look For In A Guy: Three Requirements Of A Healthy Relationship

Dear Daughter,

What do you look for in a guy? How will you recognize a good relationship? What can you do to help a good relationship develop and grow? Let me give you three things that are necessary for healthy relationships of any kind. These three things are respect, empathy, and genuineness.

I believe that you know what is meant by respect. When people have respect for each other they value each other. They want to know each other’s needs, thoughts sand opinions. Th…

A Look into Cool

Some people will buy a Corvette, and another a Harley Davidson, but does that make either one of them cool. Read about what people buy to be cool and what others think of those things.

Dangerous Children In A Dangerous World

Juvenile violent crime rates increased 62% from 1988 to 1993, and then declined by just 6% from 1993 through 1997, according to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). However, the rates for juvenile drug and curfew violations, sex offenses, and simple assaults have continued to increase. The greater the number of risk factors and the fewer the resiliency factors the greater the risk that a youth will commit a violent act. To prevent dangerousness i…