Getting Passed the Gate Keeper
We all know the feeling of going out to make our cold calls, only to be shot down by the person at the front desk who looks at us as nothing more than a solicitor.
How to Get Your Customer Talking
Before we can sell our products to our prospective customers, we must first get to know them and their needs. The best way to do this is to get them talking.
Internet Mortgage Leads
If you are a loan officer, you may be considering purchasing internet mortgage leads. But you may be leery of whom to buy them from and the type of lead you should buy.
Keeping Sales Simple
For those of us working in the exciting world of sales, we are all too familiar with the pressures of meeting our daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly goals. This pressure can sometimes cause us to lose focus on the simple things that made us successful to begin with.
Know Your product before You Sell It
Product knowledge is by far the most important key ingredient to posses when it comes to selling your product.
Lead Companies, 8 Features to Consider
So now the time has come to invest in Lead companies, but how do you know which one is the right one for you?
Mortgage Lead Companies, The Right One for Your Business
If you are a loan officer or mortgage broker on the market for mortgage leads, you will have a few different varieties to choose from.
Mortgage Leads, Choosing the Best Option
When it comes to buying mortgage leads, there are many good companies out there for you to research, and many avenues to travel down when considering which lead type will work best for you.
Mortgage Leads, Get Your Prospects Attention
If you are a mortgage broker or loan officer and you are actively buying mortgage leads, or you are considering buying mortgage leads, here are a few tips on how to get your customers attention.
Mortgage Leads, Increase Your Closure Ratio
If you are a loan officer or a mortgage broker, and you are currently using a mortgage lead provider, or you are considering investing with one, one of the most important things you should take into consideration, is the closure ratio.