A Review Of Opening Statements

Discover some of the key elements involved in creating telephone opening statements that create interest and avoid resistance by reading these reviews of actual opening statements as submitted to internationally-known speaker and trainer Art Sobczak, President of Business By Phone.

Make Fewer Cold Calls and Get Better Results

The old-school sales gurus teach the essentially the same approach. “Focus on closing the sale. Keep pushing forward. Persuading and coaxing has always been considered a normal and necessary part of cold calling.

Sales Therapy 101: Breaking Your Fear of Cold Calling

The fear of cold calling is a painful, daily struggle for many entrepreneurs and salespeople who have been trained in traditional selling techniques. Traditional sales trainers answer questions about cold calling this way.

The Surprising Truth About Cold Calling

OLD SALES GURU MYTH # 1 “Cold Calling is a Numbers Game”. When all you know is the traditional way of cold calling, selling is indeed a numbers game. Yes, you can call people over and over.

The Truth Behind Linear Selling : Why It Can Make Prospects Run The Other Way

Rather than asking prospects overtly what their decision making process is, use softer language that they can understand from their perspective. Don’t probe or “fish” for prospects’ “pain” as part of your sales process. Prospects have learned through long experience that the appearance of caring is usually a verbal ploy designed to move the sale forward according to the salesperson’s agenda.