Healthy Selfishness: Put Yourself On Your To Do List

Are You Last on the List?

When was the last time taking care of yourself or doing something just for fun made it to the top of your to do list? If your answer is a “long time ago” or “can’t remember” or even “never,” you’re not alone.

From the time we were children, many of us were taught “don’t be selfish” and “think of others.” We may have learned these lessons a little too well. Most of us spend all the hours of our day taking care of others, completing the to-do lis…

Tear Up Your “To Do” Lists!

The actual words “To Do” have a negative connotation, and when you look at that list on a daily basis you think to yourself, “I MUST get this stuff done!”. It’s like meeting a deadline on a daily basis. You absolutely dread it! You should just call it your “To Don’t” list, because it’s not something that you even look forward to doing.

To Do List Draining You? Brighten Up The Tasks You Dread

Vampire Tasks

Everyone has at least one of them. Something you hate to do. Something you dread. You procrastinate about it or do your best to avoid it. When you have to do it you get crabby about it.

What is it for you? Your staff meeting? Traveling for business? Working with a particular client or co-worker? Dealing with computer problems? Doing your expense report? Performance reviews?

Whatever it is, it’s a “vampire task” — something that drains your energy.