Paper Or Plastic? What’s Your Time Management Style?

When grocery shopping, you have the choice of paper or plastic grocery bags. Paper used to be the most common. Now plastic has taken its place. Most people use plastic because that is what is offered. However, you can still get paper and some people prefer that option. Then there are the few who bring their own environmentally-friendly cloth bags to the grocery store every week.

What does this have to do with time management? Really… nothing… except the analogy that ev…

A Stress Management Game Or Just Another Game Of The Management?

How can stress be controlled and eliminated? Stress can be eliminated by two methods- physically or mentally. Well, appropriate methods will have to be applied at the appropriate time to eliminate stress. The person with whom you use this method with must have the capacity to absorb it and emulate it on a permanent basis.

Since stress has been accepted as a part of life (there are different types and levels of stresses at different stages of life), there are numerous cours…

Handouts As Public Speaking Tools

Handouts are important tools for effective public speaking. They serve as guides for your audience. Handouts will allow the listeners to follow what you are discussing. Handouts are important and should be well prepared.

When giving out the handouts to your listeners, remember to choose the right time. It is not recommended to give them out right away at the beginning of your speech. This will only make the listeners tend to lose focus. It is important in public speaking t…

How to manage your password smartly

Web users have gotten used to signing up to dozens of websites to enjoy free services. However, the dozens of online identities are increasingly getting out of hand. Learn how to use password manager to manage your multiple online identities.

Viral marketing, how it works and how to use it.

Have you ever wondered how the people who are at the top for your keywords get there with seemingly little effort? You spend hours marketing and are barely on page 43.. How do they do it? It`s called viral marketing. And here’s what that is:

Six Sigma Tools

Statistics are at the heart of Six Sigma’s powerful methodology for quality improvement. It pays to get to know some of the most important of the Six Sigma statistical tools.

Control Charts

The control chart is the fundamental tool of statistical process control; a proven technique for improving productivity. It monitors the variation of key characteristics and indicates the range of variability that is built into a system. Control charts provide diagnostic information …

Researching Information To Develop Your Unique Content

We live in a sea of information. And information overload is an increasingly common complaint. Part of the complaint arises because we get hit with different headlines that point to the same content. So we waste time on things that have no added value. Bummer.

When you email your list or put up content on your site, and assuming you want to generate loyalty, it’s necessary that you have content others haven’t seen a dozen times elsewhere.

If this makes sense to you, he…

How To Prevent Workplace Industries

As a former safety manager in petrochemical plants I am a strong believer that ALL injuries can be avoided with proper planning, tools, and safety equipment.