4 Inexpensive Ways To Turn That Old Booth Into a Sparkling Oasis
Is your trade show booth beginning to show its age? Have people seen your booth so many times that you’ve gone way past branding and on to boooooring? Are you just wishing you had the money to buy a new trade show booth, but can’t scrape enough together to purchase one?
Revealing The Sneaky Advantages of Renting Your Trade Show Booth
If it were back in the day when people still used adding machines with paper, your office would be filled to the ceiling with literally miles of that little paper ribbon, you’ve run the numbers so many times. No matter how many times you’ve run them, though, there just isn’t enough money for a new trade show booth.
Three Ways To Create A Trade Show Booth Backdrop
So you’ve rented a 10′ space at a trade show, and now you want to create an interesting and professional looking graphic backdrop. At this point most people who know anything at all about trade show displays will opt for a “popup display”. But in spite of the popularity of “standard” popup displays, there are other alternatives you might consider.
Here is a very brief introduction to 3 different methods of creating a graphic backdrop for your trade show display area.
Top 5 Tips to Have Them Lining Up At Your Trade Show Booth
You’ve jumped through all the hurdles and management just approved the budget for the trade show booth you’ve been dying to do for ages. You just high-fived your team when it hits you—you don’t just need a trade show booth, you need that trade show booth to get results!
Trade Show Marketers: How To Make Attendees Willingly Rush to Your Booth
Trade show booths are a lot like cars. They all basically do the same thing: they take you from point A to point B. Some do it in sleek, chic manner, others with zip and zing, and sill others do it more by just sort of lumbering along.