Just a Click Away: Using the Internet to Facilitate Your Market Research
Market research is one of the most valuable selling tools a show organizer has. With the Online Expo becoming more and more of an industry presence, here are five techniques that augment traditional market research methods.
Media Darlings: The Top Ten Do’s and Don’ts of Working with the Press
Many exhibitors don’t know how to work effectively with the media. Exhibitors wring their hands in despair when not a single word about their new products show up in the trade publications. It’s a no-win situation – but it doesn’t have to be!
Strong Arm Sales Stop Success Cold
It happens more often than you’d ever guess – in fact, it might be happening at the booth right next to yours. Recent surveys of trade show attendees show that the most dissatisfied attendees are those who purchase something that they really didn’t want.
Wagging the Dog: Plan Ahead for What Happens After the Show
Preparing for post-show activities is one of the wisest decisions you can make….. By clearly deliniating your plan for after the show, you’ll be able to streamline your operation….., and maintain valuable business relationships. Key to this are….
What’s In A Name? The Six Essential Elements You Need To Know
Selecting a name for your new business is not easy. A name does more than identify your company. It tells customers who you are, what you do, and more than a little about how you do it.
What To Do When Nothing’s New: Five Strategies for Success
There are years when companies struggle to survive. Other years, it takes every ounce of effort just to maintain market position. Is it even worth exhibiting during these times? Do the results of participating in a trade show while your company’s in a lull phase justify the costs