Timeless Principles To Steer You Through Negotiations

If you’re someone who conducts negotiations on behalf of others, and you don’t always get the deals you want, then stop and think about your approach. This article will give you 7 timeless and priceless principles that will put you back on a winning streak.

Higher Returns With Entrepreneurial Investing

Long-term investing in the stock market can offer a passive return around 5-8% if you remain invested for 30 years; but, unfortunately, that return is before taxes and inflation. This is so low because the company founders, backers, early investors, investment bankers, etc., have removed all foreseeable profit from the company before it is ever offered to the public market. There is a spectrum of investments available to you that is dependent on how much effort you are willin…

Trade Show Promotions

Along with conventional advertising and below the border activities, companies and corporate bodies have come to recognize that they must invest in trade shows in order to produce maximum recall for their product or trademark name. There are several benefits to participating in a trade show. Some of them are:

Discover The Proven System To Profiting From Forex

Forex training is the key to successful Forex trading. Forex training is one of the most important aspects of the Forex market. With good Forex training comes good profitability in the Forex market. As such, Forex training is one that is very worth to invest in. The benefits it reaps is high.

How The Financial Markets Can Grow More Than Just Your Bank Account

The financial markets provide us with the opportunity to grow in ways that most people probably do not even think about. We all know of the gains in wealth to be had buying and selling stock, bonds, commodities, currencies, and other instruments. One need not look far to find stories about the riches to be had. Successful traders, investors and portfolio managers like George Soros, Peter Lynch, and Warren Buffet have become household names. What is less commonly talked about …

Margin Trading Dangers Highlighted by Real Cases

This article explains how margin trading of shares by company directors, executives and related parties creates major hidden risks for the private investor. Means of identifying and avoiding the dangers are suggesed.

Realized Vs Unrealized Returns

Traders deal with two different kinds of returns when they speak of profits and losses made in the markets. Realized returns, often referred to as “booked”, are those which come about as the result of a position which has been closed out. Unrealized, or “paper”, gains and losses are those which involve open positions. An example of a paper return would be when one buys a stock at $100 and it rises to $110, but the trade remains open. In this case the trader has an unrealized …

Reflections of a Trader

I must admit I love trading. I have loved it all my life. When I was about 8 years old I learned what the stock market was

Five New Trader Pitfalls You Can Avoid

So you want to trade, eh? Or have you already started? What drew you to it? Was it the huge profit potential? Maybe it was the excitement. Or perhaps you love the challenge of solving a big, multi-dimensional puzzle.

Whatever the case, there’s certainly a number of things that make trading the financial markets worthwhile. At the same time, however, there are some huge obstacles along the path to profits and success. This article discusses five ways to avoid trouble in the…