Hermits Need Not Apply

Are you too shy to strike up conversations with other people? Hmm… What about email, surely sending someone an email isn’t terribly daunting, right? It is? Well, then you’re in the wrong business. Network marketing means just what it says. You are a network marketer. That means you need to network, and if you don’t do that most important thing, you’ll never succeed.

Traffic exchanges are a good place to start honing the art of becoming a good mentor. In most exchanges, whe…


Learn how to maximize your double optin confirmations to generate extra ezine subscribers each week!

A Good Squeeze Is Hard To Find

Lead capture pages or “squeeze” pages are the best tools to use in a traffic exchange. That way, you can collect names and email addresses for your “list” of potential customers. You know the saying–“The Money Is In the List.”

But, do you know how to build a squeeze page? A “please sign up,” and a fill-in form won’t get you many (if any) sign-ups. Here are some hints:

First, you need to intrigue viewers to get their information. If you’re offering a free newsletter, th…

Want The Best Advertising Bang For Your… Free?

New marketers often come online, hoping to make their fortune, but the success rate is slim. According to Ken McArthur at AffiliateShowcase.com, it’s only 5%. The reasons for that difference between the successful and the unsuccessful are myriad, but one reason is that folks don’t advertise enough or in the right ways. Did you know that there are some great free ways to get all the visitors you need?

The best free advertising online today comes from three distinct practice…

Generate A Mailing List With Traffic Exchanges

Do you have a mailing list that you refer to often? If not, is it because you do not know how to properly build your mailing list? Most people that are trying to develop a mailing list are unsuccessful because they do not know exactly where or how to start. They take a scatter gun approach and end up putting in a lot of time to only get a very few amount of responses.

Traffic exchange is one of the best ways to build a mailing list. List generation via traffic exchange is …