Bite The Bullet…

The government wants to give you and me government money…ah! our Chinese Bankers..

Recession Answers

Concerned about inflation, a recession, a depression in the early 21st Century? If you are…read on

On the Nature of Evil

This article is a psychological, spiritual, philosophical and political discourse on the nature of evil. The unique perspective of the author and his writing style compel the reader to follow the logic of the author to his conclusion, which is a fascinating new idea.

American Morality – A Glimmer of Hope on the Horizon

Has the United States lost it’s basic principle of morality? Has the United States moved away from the guiding principles that this country was founded on? In this article, these and other questions will be examined, with the hope that by addressing these issues, we can as a society, move in a direction our founding fathers had envisioned.