The Price Tag of Incorporation: Fees

A lot of benefits await a company that’s about to incorporate, but there’s a price to it all. A hefty price in fact. Incorporation is a long and sometimes grueling process. It also happens to be an expensive one. In particular, a company will face fees for incorporating – all this means is a company can’t really incorporate on its own; it often needs the help of an outside service to efficiently incorporate. There are steps you must take both before and after incorporation that require a lot of paperwork and changes to your business structure.

To incorporate or not to incorporate?

It seems that more companies feel the need to incorporate than ever before. In today’s society, just everybody can sue and everybody can be sued and that makes a corporation all the more attractive. However, there are unfortunately more obstacles surrounding incorporation than ever before. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of incorporation? Is it right for your company?

Is this India’s finest hour?

Travelling around India this month, in blinding contrast to the evident levels of stark poverty that can be seen in a great number of its citizens, something in the air tells one that India is pulsing with energy for change. For throughout the next half a century India will be seen to emerge as one of the worlds most successful economies and will rightfully seat itself as a new world power.