How to Make Millions Playing Video Poker

If you are not afraid to take risks there is a way to make millions of dollars playing Video Poker, and here I am going to give you the secrets that have given me financial freedom.

How to Make Millions Playing Video Poker

If you are not afraid to take risks there is a way to make millions of dollars playing Video Poker, and here I am going to give you the secrets that have given me financial freedom.

How to Make Millions Playing Video Poker

If you are not afraid to take risks there is a way to make millions of dollars playing Video Poker, and here I am going to give you the secrets that have given me financial freedom.

Long Copy Sucks And Other Heresies

I recently finished a massive study of profitable and unprofitable sites. The average length of the profitable site’s sales letter was 1.8 pages. The average length of the unprofitable site’s sales letter was 2 pages.

Shorter ad copy was more profitable on average than long copy.

Of course that is heresy. Many, many famous copywriters swear by long copy. Still… the study was valid and it is a fact… known profitable sites had shorter copy than known less profitable sites…

Video And Meeting Presentation Tips For Newbies

I’m an A-V Geek, and for thirty years, I’ve sweated the big and small stuff as a producer of meetings, conferences, and sales rallies. During that time I have developed a checklist of five special “secrets” I use to insure that the meeting media will go right. Go right?

You see, the customer has paid big bucks for the video or multimedia piece that will help the crowd shake off the cobwebs (or hangovers) and get focused on the goals, spirit and business of the meeting. I …