Top 10 Ways To Protect Yourself From Computer Viruses

As more and more people are becoming comfortable using their computers at school, home or in the office it’s only a matter of time before they encounter a computer virus. Here are our top 10 steps to protect you from computer viruses.

Use a high quality anti-virus program. There are many different anti-virus computers programs on the market some of them are better than others. Look to reputable computer magazines or websites for ratings to help you find the one that matche…

Stopping Spyware From Stopping You

Spyware can be a real time waster. It makes its way onto your machine, usually without you knowing it, and eventually becomes a problem which causes you stress, costs you time and money and possibly leads to even worse consequences if not dealt with quickly. Learning how to eliminate spyware before it becomes a problem is critical for every computer user today.

Spyware is written with the intent to intercept or take partial control of your computer without your informed c…

Securing Your Computer System

Today, more and more people are using their computers for everything from communication to online banking and investing to shopping. As we do these things on a more regular basis, we open ourselves up to potential hackers, attackers and crackers. While some may be looking to phish your personal information and identity for resale, others simply just want to use your computer as a platform from which to attack other unknowing targets. Below are a few easy, cost-effective steps…

Removing Viruses From Your Computer

One of the biggest threats that computer users are facing today is the probability of a virus invasion. It is possible that your own PC might have been infected with a virus that you have downloaded unknowingly from the internet, or copied from other removable storage Medias like floppies or compact discs. While some viruses are capable of doing extensive damage to your system, some may be completely harmless but simply annoying. Whatever the problem is, it’s always best to t…

Protect Your Computer From Malicious Intent

It is a costly procedure to rid your computer of malware once it has invaded. Learn about potential threats as well as the steps you can take to prevent such “infections”.

How Viruses Contaminate Your Computer

Viruses are little bits of software that normally have a negative impact on our computers when they are activated. Usually viruses are attached onto other software programs (games, disk utilities, office documents/Macros, screen-savers), and are activated when these normally harmless programs are started.

A virus is inactive until the infected program is run or an infected boot record on a floppy/CD is read. When the virus is activated it loads into your computer’s memory …

How To Keep Your Computer From Spreading Viruses

There are some simple steps you must take to avoid becoming a victim of computer viruses and also stop from spreading viruses to others. Here are some things that you can and should do.
Email Issues to watch

Never open an E-mail with an attachment you were not expecting.

The latest batch of virus programs are often spread by E-mail. Even if your anti-virus program does not warn you about the attached file and even if the eMail appears to come from someone you know, do …

Guide To Computer Security

Since you’re reading this article, you’re already connected to the Internet. You’ve probably already thought about security on your computer or network. Every day seems to bring new threats and it can seem pretty daunting, but the key thing is to have a common sense approach and to take a few basic precautions.

There are lots of great tools available to help and you don’t have to break the bank to get them. Here are some areas to take a look at:


Securing your…

Firewall Protection Needed

Anti-virus and/or anti-spyware cannot provide the security protection that an Internet firewall can. Enable a firewall for maximum security on you computer to protect against intruders accessing your files and data.

Computer Security: Threats and Solutions

Unfortunately, much of the common sense advice we follow when it comes to Internet security does little to combat the cyber-crime that is rampant. Here is the inside scoop….