MAYA of the new world – The power of perception and suggestion.

“Maya” although in its real literary translation is illusion – the meaning of “Maya” can be considered to be a state of “apparent reality” – you think and true believe that this is the reality without making an attempt to understand the “actual” reality. And the common belief of an entire population or a group of people on this “apparent reality” makes us believe in the “Maya” of this world. This difference between “actual” and “apparent” is alteration. So what you believe to be true is not true

From Here To There

Last year I was the keynote speaker at a Valentine’s Day luncheon for single mothers with the theme of Dream Again. It was a magical event that left most of us in the room with tears silently streaming down our faces. To top it off, at the end of our time together, Michele Lang, an amazing singer came to the stage and sang her song, “From Here to There.” Her song captured the challenge of deeply desiring to experience God in every area of your life, but feeling tethered by yo…

Garden Of Eden: A Jungle Captive’s Lesson In Dreams Come True

BBC News recently reported the story of horticulturist and orchid collector, Tom Hart Dyke, who was kidnapped in 2000 in the Darien Gap in Panama by Colombian Guerrillas and held hostage for nine months in the South American jungle. He was on a plant collecting expedition with his friend Paul Winder when captured.

They experienced a horrific kidnapping ordeal and were both threatened with being beheaded. During this dark passage, in order to stay sane, Tom spent his time j…

Powerfully Manifest Your Fullest Life Yet!

The other day I wrote myself a love note. I was feeling a little down and I needed a pick-me-up. It was simple really, and it only took me about 10 minutes. I hardly thought about it either before or after I wrote it.

When I shared it with someone a few hours later she just looked at me with a dead-pan serious stare and said “That is the most beautiful piece you have ever written. I’m stunned.” I was a little taken aback at the power and plainness of her statement and…

The 7 Components Of Vision

When we hear about vision, we often hear the words purpose, dreams, calling, passion and gifts used synonymously. It’s time to clear this up once and for all! There are seven components to vision and understanding each one will help clarify your path.

First, let’s talk about this word “dream” that you have heard so much about and how it fits into vision. While a dream is an important part of the puzzle, it is just the beginning. Dreams open up your imagination and ability …

The Myths Of Motivation

The traditional beliefs about attaining success have left us coveting what others have, measuring our success by material accumulation and possessions, and unclear about the full process of bringing forth our destiny. I suspect that due to the pursuit of success, more believers have ended up depressed, oppressed, and doubting themselves. And what’s even more disturbing is that when the secular world looks into the lives of believers, we are often not experiencing the life and…

This Is Your Year To Master Success

As the clock chimed midnight on the eve of 2007, I truly felt like doing a happy dance. Not just doing a happy dance, but doing it buck-naked, outside, in the cold, in the dark for all the neighbors to see if they happened to be out at that hour of the night. Although I did manage to contain myself from doing the buck-naked happy dance, I couldn’t contain my joy about entering into this new year.

I heard a lot of people talk about what they wanted to do in 2006, I heard a …

Unlocking Your Success: Finding Your Passion

I bet that you can’t tell me that Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote, “The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.” That statement is very true, for there has never, in the history of humanity, been any discovery, innovation, or creation that was not first a spark of passion, curiosity, or devotion. Truly, the manifestation and realization of such discoveries, creations, and innovations is nothing more than the mastery of th…

Attracting Success

We all wish to be successful and yet somehow we seem to be missing the target. In this article we will show you how to become more successful in all your endeavors.

Success often eludes many people. Like the inevitable pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, people set their hearts on following their dreams only to wake up disappointed.

Fire Up Your Motivation

Motivation seems to come and go, here today and gone tomorrow depending on what is going on in our life each day. The need to stay motivated is paramount to success, so let’s get your motivation Fired UP!