Why Is Love Important?
So often we spend most of our time taking care of our physical needs. We make sure our bodies are fed, cleaned, clothed, exercised and rested. We also make sure intellectual stimulation and entertainment is a priority. Yet we also overlook the most important need — love.
Of course, as a society, love is not overlooked. Popular media constantly places great emphasis on what we need to do and how we should look to attract “love”. But being loved is not as powerful an emotio…
A Simple And Effective Mind Power Technique
There are many different techniques you can use to tap into the amazing power of your thoughts. I have here for you a simple visualization exercise which becomes extremely powerful when you master it.
Visualization basically means to sustain an idea or image in our mind of what we want to create for a few minutes everyday. A good example can be that sports persons today use visualization just before they compete. They envision themselves successful in whatever sport it is …
Allowing And The Law Of Attraction
As we learn more about using the Law of Attraction consciously in our lives, we become masters at visualizing, affirming, and attracting what we desire. We learn how to infuse our desires with emotion and power, we learn how to raise our vibrations through joyful thoughts and align ourselves more fully with the circumstances we want to bring about.
However, most of us forget one crucial step in the process: allowing. Allowing is a multi-faceted phase in the creation proces…
Become Proactive And Master Success
We all want to succeed in life. We want to succeed in our personal relationships. We want to succeed in our professional lives. Yet despite this desire to succeed we so often do not find success. Just what is the secret to success in our personal and professional lives? Being proactive.
It is easy to place the blame for our failure to succeed on the many factors that influence our lives. Perhaps we were born with certain disadvantages or at least with no noticeable advanta…
Catching Life’s Thermals On The Feathers Of Intention
The Power of Love
All of us – young or old, poor or rich, salt of the earth or intellectual, battling grave illness or enjoying phenomenal health – all of us want the same things in our lives. We must take care of our survival needs by providing shelter from the elements, food and sustenance for our bodies, and protection from dangers. Because we are social in nature, we need to connect with others in various ways. We need to belong, to be part of something larger than our…
Christmas Spirit: Do You Possess The True Spirit Of Christmas?
While for so many people this holiday season is about rampant commercialism, keeping up with the Joneses and rushing to keep up with a hectic schedule, we should all jump off the speed train and take time to not only appreciate the true meaning of Christmas but also to embrace the true spirit of Christmas.
Emotionally this is a difficult time of year for so many. Depression and anger drive up the rates of suicide and domestic violence. Stress builds upon stress to destroy …
Creative Visualization And The Law Of Attraction
You may have heard of creative visualization from interviews with athletes who have used this powerful technique to win more gold medals and titles than perhaps any other single training method. By actually sensing, feeling and being in a perfect race or competition within their own heads, professional and amateur athletes are able to use these mental images to help them prepare for the actual race. What you may not realize is that the technique is essentially the very same …
Goal Setting 101
We all have goals. Some goals are long-term and some are short-term. Some are goals we have shelved for so long they are dusty and covered with cobwebs. Some are freshly minted. However for those of us who are not as successful in life as we would wish we often despair of achieving our goals. Some goals seem out-of-reach and unattainable. This does not have to be what actually happens. We have the power within ourselves to change our lives and the place to begin is when we ar…
How Meditation Can Change Your Life
Current research estimates that the average person has over 60,000 thoughts per day, 90 percent of which are replications of our thoughts from yesterday. Moreover, people spend almost half their time worrying, and 90 percent of those worries never come true.
On the other hand, most of us can remember those glorious moments when we experienced unbound love, sparks of wisdom and understanding; the moments when we felt total harmony with the world around us and harmony within…
How To Win Rousing Applause’s To Your Speech
Visualization will help you to discover more energy and joy as you tune in to your inner self. It will also help you gain the competitive edge in your personal and professional relationships. Visualization, or ‘mental imaging,’ is a powerful skill that can be practiced regularly to improve your communication.
It is a process of relaxation in which you can consciously evoke desired sensations and images. It is as if you are watching yourself and your surroundings on an inne…