How to Make More Time for Giving

Are you so busy that there seems to be no time at the end of the day to give to others? It might be the result of not knowing your life purpose.

Questions to Ask Before Volunteering – Obligation

Volunteering is one of the most rewarding things you will do. Volunteering will also be a frustrating experience if you do not consider the answers to a few questions before you commit your time and energy. One of those questions is “Do you know what your true obligation will be?”

Thoughts On Volunteering

We’re now a few weeks into the New Year 2007. I hope you are making progress with your New Year’s Resolutions. I’m a bit off schedule on one of mine because a project is moving a bit slower than I expected. So I’ve revised my plan, and I’ll be back on track next week!

The early days of a new year are a good time to think about volunteering, whether you are already retired or you are planning for retirement. I think volunteering in the community in some capacity is a very i…