Individual Rights Before Wage Garnishing

There are individuals unfortunate enough to find themselves in a position where they are contacted by a state or federal agency regarding an old debt, or even those with delinquent student loans, find themselves facing a wage garnishment through an employer. The process of having one’s wages garnished to pay a debt can be embarrassing and financially devastating to individuals and their families, rest assured you are not alone. There are rules and guidelines available that ma…

IRS Levy And Garnishments

Unfortunately to many of us the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is one branch of government that can never be our friend and is often feared by some less reputable business owners. When the IRS is owed money, they will get it whether you like it or not. For those individuals who owe back taxes, the state or IRS may attempt to collect those owed taxes by wage garnishment through your employer. Once the wage garnishment is filed, the employer is obligated to deduct a certain per…

Collecting The Levy

The Financial Management Service (FMS) is a bureau of the Department of the Treasury, to provide a centralized debt collection service to most federal agencies. The FMS has begun utilizing two Congressionally mandated federal debt collection programs. One is devised to collect delinquent non-tax debt by neutralizing federal payments and the other is to collect delinquent tax debt from those individuals who receive federal payments.

The Tax Payer Relief Act of 1997 authori…

The IRS Levy And Legal Powers Of Garnishment Defined

IRS garnishment refers to the notice issued by the IRS department to withhold all or some part of the money to the court or to the person who has won the lawsuit to claim the money. The IRS garnishment is limited by law according to which only up to 25% of the disposable earning of a particular period can be garnished. Also, the amount by which the disposable earnings exceed thirty times the Federal minimum hourly wage in effect at the time earnings are payable.

If someon…

The Legal Procedure Of Wage Garnishment

A legal procedure, in which some portion of a person’s earning is required to be withheld by an employee for the payment of the debt, is called as wage garnishment. Most of these garnishments are made by court orders. There are some other legal procedures also which include IRS levies or state tax collection agency levies. They levy for the taxes, which are unpaid.

There are assignments in which the employees voluntarily agree that their employers will deposit a particula…

What Is A Wage Garnishment?

A wage garnishment is a legal procedure through which a percentage of a person’s earnings are withheld by an employer for the payment of a debt. Most wage garnishments are made by court order. Other types of wage garnishments are of legal or open procedures made by the IRS or state tax collection agency levies for unpaid taxes and federal agency administrative garnishments for non-tax debts owed to the federal government.

Wage garnishments do not include voluntary wage ga…

‘Help The Court Has Seized My Assets’ – Garnishment In Law And Practice

A court order that seizes assets from the defendant to pay off a debt is known as Garnishment. One form of garnishment is automatic withholding of the debtor’s wages. When a creditor fails to satisfy the debt taken, the court can issue a garnishment against him. When the creditor petitions the court to send a portion of its pay to satisfy the debt then this step is taken.

The garnishment law differs from state to state and varies in details also. Generally, the TVA is req…