I Made My First Million At 23 By Following A Powerful Formula At 19!

ActionPlan For BlazingSuccess: Defining Your Goals

The goal is a concise, measurable result that you want to produce at a determinable time in the future. Your goals are the stepping-stones toward the materialization of your dreams, the second critical element in the blueprint of your life.

Goals are experiences you have not yet seized, places you have not yet been, people you have not met, a level of income you have not achieved, a type of relationship you are not now …

Higher Returns With Entrepreneurial Investing

Long-term investing in the stock market can offer a passive return around 5-8% if you remain invested for 30 years; but, unfortunately, that return is before taxes and inflation. This is so low because the company founders, backers, early investors, investment bankers, etc., have removed all foreseeable profit from the company before it is ever offered to the public market. There is a spectrum of investments available to you that is dependent on how much effort you are willin…

Navigating the promotional maze

Partnerships and direct promotions can be a liability. Make sure you limit your chances by realizing the possibilities and weighing the good from the bad.

ROI-calculating accurately

The phrase “return on investment” (ROI) is thrown around a lot, but do you know what it really means and how to calculate it?

Entity Structuring

Entity structuring is the use of limited partnerships, limited liabilities, and corporations. These can help you accomplish three things:

How A Millionaire Manages One Dollar

If you don’t know how manage a million dollars, I guarantee that the money will quickly disappear if I wrote you a giant check right now. Precisely like 90% of lottery winners that go bust within five years, they didn’t have the basic discipline or the formula to handle the money that would have created a financial foundation that would last for generations. Learn how to manage a single dollar so that you can move up to the financial big-leagues on your own.

Give a millio…

Saving Money Is The Slow Path To Financial Freedom

Getting a job and not spending all the money each month is the slowest, hardest, and least efficient way to build up a big pile of money. Saving money is a worthwhile net worth building activity, but it doesn’t offer much more than that unless your goal is only to have a little cash at the ever-increasing age of retirement.

This is because wages are the most heavily taxed source of income. Income taxes (federal, state, and social security) choke off about 35% of this earn…