The One Question To Ask Yourself To Avoid A Lifetime Of Hell And Grief

Are You Making The Right Choices In Your Life?

You are what you are and where you are because of countless choices that you’ve made during your lifetime. Each choice has an influence, however slight, upon your path in life. You can choose to be cheerful, or you can choose to be gloomy. You can choose to be rude, or you can choose to be courteous. You can choose to love your neighbor, or you can choose to hate your neighbor. You can choose to be sober, or you can choose to …

The Simple Secret To Wealth

Now some of you might say “Hey, there is no simple way to wealth” but I disagree and let me tell you why. First of all I would like on encourage you to watch the movie called “The Secret”. It is really an eye opening experience and what I am about to tell you here is just a small part of it. The movie covers a lot of different aspects but the plot can be said in very simple terms.

Thoughts Become Things

What this means is that whatever you focus on will come true for yo…

Top 10 Prosperity Tips

Living a prosperous life is about much more than just having enough money. In order to be truly prosperous, you need to change your total mind-set from lack to abundance. You need to make a mental and emotional shift and start living your life on a more abundant level – in all areas!

Below are my top 10 tips for doing that:

Prosperity Tip #1 – Do What You Love

When you spend time doing things you really love, you automatically feel happier. When you feel happier, you…

Trusting Abundance

How do we trust enough to trust abundance? It’s a koan or at least a dilemma. A few nights ago, a friend shared how he recently worked with his fears and limiting beliefs around money, trust, and abundance.

For six years he had been “at a loss”—literally, unable to figure out why he was living in poverty while everyone around him seemed to manifest abundance so easily. A few weeks ago, he decided to stop asking why and started to simply “walk the walk” of abundance. It sta…

Us & Them – Why You Should Always Dare To Dream

I remember as a child looking at the big houses and shiny, new cars in the street thinking “Wow! Those people are so lucky!”. As I grew up, I observed how much it seemed so normal to separate “us” – the middle class, from “them” – the wealthy. It never really occurred to me as a teenager to question this, but as an adult chasing my big, grandiose dreams, I have found myself eternally perplexed by the self separation that seems to happen amongst humans.
Why do so many peo…

What Is Wealth?

Most of us dream of acquiring wealth. For many people, wealth is something that would earn you the respect of the people around you. When you hear the word wealth, you naturally think of material things. You wish to enjoy the many comforts of life that can be only achieved if you are wealthy. There are several ways you can acquire wealth.

What is wealth?
Many concepts and solutions of what wealth can mean to you:
Work Hard
You do not get rich by lounging around your h…

What You Didn’t Know About Getting Really Rich.

Here’s A Fast-Acting Visualization Exercise For Attracting Abundance

Set quality time when you can be uninterrupted for at least an hour, to concentrate your attention on defining your dreams. Sit down with your Dream List in a comfortable, quiet place to start visualizing your dream. What is your dream? Begin to picture some ideas about it. Allow vivid images to flow into your imagination. Create your ideal scene, writing anything that comes to mind, no matter how crazy o…

Why Is Bill Gates The Richest Man In The World?

I’m so excited today as I’m going to share with you one of the top success secrets that is going to change your life forever.

Yes, I mean it. This secret is going to change your life on condition that you put it in action.

First, let me ask you this question:

In your opinion, why is Bill Gates the richest man in the world?

Think a little bit.

“He is intelligent”
“He has a product that runs the world!”
“He is genius”
“He is lucky!!!”
“He is the owner of Micr…

Jack Canfield’s Success Principles

I’ve learned about the success principles from Jack Canfield. In his book “The Success Principles”, Jack Canfield presents the sixty-four principles which, if learned and practiced, can help everyone to realize their goals.

Learn To Live A Powerful Life

“Logical thinking is the worst kind of thinking. Rational thinking is limited. You need exactly the kind of thoughts that does not look at the rational obvious. You need to think with a vision that sees the obvious without logical limitations or restrictions.”