How To Submit To Web Directories

You finally took the plunge and registered a domain name. After months of building the website and writing and editing content, you are ready for business. You have this great website but no visitors. Generating traffic is paramount to having a successful website. One method of traffic is referrals from web directories. How to submit to web directories is a question that is easily answered, but developing a strategy for the best results might take a little time. Here is how t…

Web Directories – General Introduction

Why are web directories so popular nowadays?
Everyone is looking at getting their own directory but most webmasters still haven’t considered what a good directory submission strategy can offer them.

Are Web Directories any good?

Since I started promoting my website, I came across a wide array of web directories, and I have to admit this question has been bugging me since then. Are Web Directories any good for the Internet?

Let’s start by getting the obvious out of the way first. The main purpose of web directories is to promote web sites. This isn’t usually done directly, by directing users through their links, since web directories don’t get that much traffic, but indirectly.