Increasing Productivity To Make More Money At Home

Running a business from home is a tricky thing because, on one hand, you have decided to work from home for the flexibility; while on the other hand, everyone (including you, sometimes) seems to think working from home means a vacation with a computer. Taking advantage of the flexibility of working at home does not mean that you must answer to everyone’s beck and call, or be distracted by each little thing. This is easy to say, but hard to do when you are in the moment. At th…

Flash Or Bang – Which Would You Prefer?

If you had to choose, would you want a site that looks pretty, or one that makes you lots of money?

Of course you want a nice looking website, but isn’t money the real motivator here? I mean you are running a business, right?

Flashy graphics and top-notch sound effects make for an awesome video game, but frankly aren’t very effective as marketing tools. In fact, too much of these elements will greatly decrease your site’s ability to convey it’s message.

Look at sites…

Streamline Your Website Pages

Squeezing the most efficient performance from your web pages is important. The benefits are universal, whether the site is personal or large and professional. Reducing page weight can speed up the browsing experience, especially if your visitors are using dial-up internet access. Though broadband access is the future, the present still contains a great deal of dial-up users. Many sites, ecommerce sites especially, cannot afford to ignore this large section of the market. Site…

Tips For a Successful Website !

Have you ever thought why some websites become very successful, while most fail? What is the reason that in spite of a very good design, excellent content and proper site optimization, your site falls flat to generate any business? Do you wonder that in spite of easy to use, market friendly and interactive website you are failed to generate any traffic? So, what is the mantra of a successful website?

Unique Spin-Offs For Making Money Online

It seems as though everyone is selling stuff on ebay or writing the next great ebook, and those just don’t seem like things you would be interested in. However, perhaps you also realize that the Internet is a great way to make extra money, employing multiple streams of income that you can apply to the rapidly growing pile of bills over there. Here are some unique spin offs on typical Internet businesses that you should feel free to tweak to your liking:

One Stop Tourist Sh…


Many web sites seem to have graphics and moving images on their pages, some even have music, personally I think that music Is just wasted space on a website anyway, as a large percentage of people don’t even have their volume on. If you want to incorporate music it is good practice to let the visitor decide if they want to listen to it or not and give them a play and stop button.
The problem with this is the time it takes for the page to load.

Many visitors to a website w…

Sculpting Time: Creating A Schedule That Works For Your Home Based Business

Whether you are interested in making money from home as a full time job or as one in multiple streams of income, it is important to focus on time management. Home businesses are enticing because, let’s face it everyone would love to cut their commute time from an hour to the two minutes it takes to walk into the next room. However, many home business owners fall into the trap of making every little distraction a priority over their businesses.

The key to creating a system…

How to Make a Web Site of Your Own?

Advice on how to build a web site on your own or using online website builders. Creating your own free web pages in basic HTML language is as easy as possible that you understand basic knowledge of HTML.

Home Internet Options: The War Between DSL And Cable

If you are still using dial-up, you have probably gotten either the “You don’t use DSL yet?” or the “You don’t use cable yet?” expressions of credulity. So you’ve decided that it’s probably time to get off of dial-up – yet, the question remains: which is better, DSL or cable? There are advertisements arguing the perks of both, but which will really get you more bang for your buck?

The three issues to take into account when comparing DSL and cable Internet connection are sp…