Net Neutrality On The Hill

The internet has always been a source of confusion and angst on Capitol Hill. It has also been one of the more glamorous issues among the lawmakers, because the impact it has had on the way Americans communicate, seek entertainment and do business.

As the speed of the internet has grown, as its “bandwidth” has allowed it to carry large amounts of content at high speed, the internet highway has become an enormously lucrative commercial highway. It has also become much like …

Building The Online Portal To Finding Your Virtual True Love

Would it surprise you to learn that there are about 100 million singles in the U.S.? Considering this, why can it be so hard to land a date, let alone a life partner? Sadly, finding your soul mate is hardly an easy task. So today, countless men and women are turning to the internet to find their one and only. In fact, it is estimated that close to 34 million people will log on to an online dating site this year.

The most attractive element about online dating is, without …

Providing Customer Support To Your Hosting Clients

I have said in some of my other articles that a hosting company needs to provide good customer service to succeed. From past experience I know how annoying it can be for a client if their host doesn’t have a good support system in place. Many clients will expect fast replies to their support questions, and if you cannot supply this you may start to lose clients.

For a hosting company to be successful, they must be able to attract new clients to their service and keep their…

Pursuing Your Post-Retirement Passions Online

Ten years ago, computer literacy was an issue with older Americans. My father was insistent that one of those machines would never be seen near his desk. So we bought him one for Christmas and let the instruction manual drag him in. Now he paints with it.

It seems that resistance to computers is largely a thing of the past among most of us these days. They are a part of everyone’s life, and grandparents are no exception. The ease and simplicity of email has spread computer…

How To Advertise Your Web Hosting Business

Advertising your web hosting site

Any new web host will realise that there is a lot of competition in the web hosting industry and it can be hard to establish yourself in the market. I think to succeed as a host you must offer a quality, reliable low cost service to your clients.

No matter how good your service is, if people do not know about your hosting business you will find it hard to break even each month. Every successful hosting company has a well thought through…

Building Your Dream- Locating Resources For Nonprofits Online

A nonprofit corporation has the public’s best interest at heart. It may have an environmental, educational, religious, scientific, or literary focus (among others). In return for their services, the public can make donations to these companies and then deduct the amount from their federal taxes. In this way, it sure is a win-win situation.

Although it sounds pretty straight forward, a nonprofit can be a complicated entity. Therefore, it is wise to know where you can find a…

Call For Bands – Going Beyond Myspace

You’re loaded up on MySpace – tons of friends and fans with pictures from your most recent shows, flyers for your next tour, and comments from the peanut gallery on everything from the outfit you wore last week to the person you just broke up with. But as much as this is working, it’s limiting. Hugely limiting.

With your own website, your band goes to the next level. First, there’s the credibility. MySpace is for basement bands, kids who practice after school when their dr…

Log On For Health – Creating An Online Health Resource

How many times have you heard someone say, “Well, as long as I have my health…” Indeed, good health is of paramount importance for all the obvious reasons. It is common practice to stock our medicine cabinets; take vitamins every day; try to eat square meals; and search out a job that offers health benefits. In other words, striving to live well is a way of life.

These days, new medicines and break-through treatments are on the news all the time, and popular diets and ex…

Pushing Bad Data- Google’s Latest Black Eye

Google stopped counting, or at least publicly displaying, the number of pages it indexed in September of 05, after a school-yard “measuring contest” with rival Yahoo. That count topped out around 8 billion pages before it was removed from the homepage. News broke recently through various SEO forums that Google had suddenly, over the past few weeks, added another few billion pages to the index. This might sound like a reason for celebration, but this “accomplishment” would not…

Slinging Hash On The Web- How To Attract Hungry Internet Users

What makes a good restaurant? Well, the obvious answers are the food, the staff, and the atmosphere. But what goes on behind the scenes and beyond the walls of the establishment is equally important to the place’s success. That is why restaurants of all sizes are creating web sites to support, promote and advertise their business.

You don’t have to be a four star, big city restaurant to establish a web presence. Even local cafes and brick and mortar eateries can use the we…