A Simple Way To Create 7 Effective Autoresponder Messages

Email is the Net’s most powerful marketing tool. And autoresponders are the best idea yet for marketing with email.

There is an old saying that the first ad rarely sells. You have to put your product, service, or idea in front of a prospect several times before she buys.

Autoresponders are designed specifically to get your message back to the same prospect over and over. That’s why most autoresponder packages come in groups of 7 messages–from the 7 message marketing ru…

A Successful List Means Profit Increase

It is a tough world out there, especially in the world of cyberspace. The internet has brought with it many technological innovations, yet with it came along an influx of websites. The opportunities to make money online are there, but the competition is tough. The best option for survival is to have a solid relationship with your subscribers.

Internet marketing is obviously different than offline marketing. In order for your website to stand a chance against all the milli…

Article Marketing – Not Sexy, But Successful

Article marketing can seem a boring, tedious and underwhelming form of promotional marketing. But don’t be fooled. It packs a powerful punch in terms of its effectiveness and ROI (Return On Investment).

Do Link Directories Work

Everybody who owns a website needs traffic. The best traffic everybody agrees is free search engine traffic.

Five Tips for Link Trading

Link trading is a great, free way to promote your small or home-based business. However, many links pages are crowded with inappropriate or disorganized links, taking away from the professionalism of the website. Here are a few tips to make your links page work for you:


Learn how to maximize your double optin confirmations to generate extra ezine subscribers each week!

Marketing Your Business Website On A Budget

Owners of home based businesses that are trying to make a living working from home know the problems encountered trying to get your website noticed in order to increase traffic and ultimately revenues. After all, if people don’t know about your site, how will they find it among the millions of other sites.

Blindly paying a lot of money for advertising, or if you don’t have an advertising budget, not advertising at all, can both be detrimental to your business success. Gett…

New Website Marketing Made Easy

Often new website owners ask me how to get traffic to their new creation. Some have been known to stare at their computer in an attempt to will visitors to the site. The truth is, the Internet is evolving every second of every day. And with that, it becomes more difficult to establish a viable presence—or does it? Follow these easy steps and carve your slice of the cyber pie.

Paid URL inclusion

Understanding how and when to pay for listing your URL with search engines and directories.