Should I Have A Prenuptial Agreement Before We Get Married?
Provides tips and information on how you can tell your future spouse about you obtaining a prenuptial agreement before you get married.
Will You Survive a Relationship Breakdown?
Relationships connect us in this world with each other. We have many kinds of relationships-parental, sibling, friends, professional and love.
Who Is Your Attendant?
Attendants are a joyous part of weddings. Selecting attendants is usually an easy task. Sisters, brothers, best friends are usually on the top of the list when it comes to selecting attendants. Sometimes there may be too many potential attendants to choose from, and it may be difficult to choose. It is especially difficult to exclude family members from your attendants list.
Regardless, of what your relationship is to a potential attendant you should make sure you feel com…
Bridal Set a gift for a lifetime
The emotional gift that lasts a lifetime and means the world.
Destinations for Romance on Your Honeymoon
Getting married constitutes the end of your single life and beginning of a new personal adventure. To get things started right, you have a huge choice of destinations for romance.
Exotic Honeymoons Off The Beaten Path
Mention a honeymoon location, and images of exotic islands and white beaches come to mind. This all true, but you want that something special and exotic to cap off your wedding.
Honeymoon Help
Today, many couples are already living together prior to getting married. For some, it may be a second marriage. As a result, the need for the usual household items as wedding gifts often does not exist.
How To Thank 380 Million People With Class
Brides and grooms have to thank close to 380 million people during the year 2006. It sounds like an impossible task, but there is help. Wedding favors are small tokens of appreciation presented to the reception guests. Historically, wedding favors were valued little and often ended up in the trash after the wedding. The wedding favors of today are not your mother’s wedding favors.
As the average amount spent on weddings has skyrocketed to $28,000 brides have a larger budg…
Personality and Happy Marriage
What difference does the personality of partners make to a happy marriage? What makes them live happy together?
Something Old, Something New
The union of two lovers has understandably been steeped in tradition for centuries. Over time, some wonderful and interesting customs have sprung up around this important rite of passage.
One of the nicest may be the tradition of the bride’s gathering “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.” These four items each represent a special symbol, and the very act of carrying on this tradition provides a real connection with past and future brides an…