Weight Loss Motivation: Key To Shedding Pounds

Have you ever heard the saying, “Where there is a will, there is a way”? For the average person trying to lose weight, this particular phrase is so easy to say – yet so difficult to do. Whether you are struggling to shed a few unwanted pounds or to plummet ten pants sizes, success often depends on weight loss motivation.

Why lose the weight?
Looking slim and trim for your ten year class reunion. Fitting into your wedding dress when the ceremony is just weeks away. Securin…

What’s So Simple That It’s Nearly Impossible?

Self improvement in and of itself is a fairly easy to understand concept. You have one or more areas of your life that you are not happy with, so you decide to take steps to improve those areas.

For some people it is as simple as something like just taking more time for themselves each day, but for most people it is something more extreme such as long-term weight loss, financial freedom, relationship success, etc.

However, as simple as it is to say that you want to imp…

Will You Be A Kirk, Crunch, Or Kangaroo?

Have you ever noticed that life frequently serves, usually when we are least prepared, opportunities to make life-altering choices. Do I stay at this dead –end, but secure job, or take a chance with a new risky opportunity? Do I step out into a new relationship, or cling to the comfort of mom and dad’s basement? Do I tenaciously adhere to speaking only truth, even if brutal, or do I take the easy road of a barely off-white but much more socially acceptable lie? Choices, big a…

Train Your Brain This New Years

It’s that time again when people start thinking about their New Years Resolutions. Usually they involve, losing weight, quitting smoking, and joining a gym, just to mention a few.

What about you? What News Year Resolution have you planned for this year?

Have you considered the benefits of improving your mind? Usually, this is the last thing people consider, but in reality it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself and those around you.

Why Are You Not Achieving Your Goals Successfully?

Have you ever created a goal and got frustrated because of it? Have you ever set a goal and quit before you got it? You need to know the powerful strategies of “successful goals” to ensure your goal manifests successfully.

3 Steps to Daily Success: Using Motivational and Inspirational Quotes to Achieve Your Goals

Changing our day-to-day behaviors may be easier than previously imagined. By meditating on and repeating motivational and inspirational quotes, we are better prepared to change our thought patterns, behaviors and in turn, change our lives. Here’s how it’s done. A three-step method is offered, demonstrating how to use motivational and inspirational quotes to achieve their goals. The author uses his personal experience showing how he lost 20 lbs in 12 weeks by using this method.

Food, Anxiety and Depression

In our current society, there are many factors that can cause or contribute to anxiety and depression. Certainly money and work problems, relationship and family issues, as well as illness and loss of loved ones are major contributors to anxiety and depression. Also, how we feel about ourselves and treat ourselves contribute greatly to how we feel.