Believe You Can!
In any therapeutic intervention that is designed to achieve change, it is important to have an understanding of the beliefs and values held by the person wishing to change. NLP therapists are able to work with clients to eradicate limiting beliefs. NLP therapists are available to provide NLP in Herts.
Have you ever taken the time to stop and think about your beliefs and values. Ask yourself – where have my beliefs originated? How do they guide how I live my life? Do my …
How To Lose Weight With The Law Of Attraction
The law of attraction states that like attracts like. This means that whatever you are thinking and feeling on a deeper level, you will attract. You can think of it as your subconscious beliefs and programming. If you are finding yourself overweight and wanting to get in shape, then start to examine your deep beliefs about fitness and being overweight.
Ask yourself the following questions;
1. Is it hard to lose weight?
2. Does being in shape mean dieting, hunger or den…
Lose Weight During The Holidays? How To Get Double Credit For Every Lost Pound!
If you’ve been struggling with your excess fat, the prospect of the upcoming holidays may well fill you with dread.
You barely fit in your clothes as is. If things go the way they usually go during the holidays, you may have to join the post-holiday shopping crowds out of necessity! You won’t have a thing to wear – because nothing will fit anymore.
I don’t know about you, but that prospect always makes me cringe. I’ve been there, and I’d rather not repeat it.
Which i…