Is Your Special Needs Child Included in Your Estate Plan?

You have undoubtedly made provisions for how your beneficiaries or guardians will handle your finances in the event of your death or disability. You’ve appointed a guardian for your young children and you’ve outlined instructions for how to handle your child’s education, finances and other expenses. Sure, you have a plan in place to provide for your child – but have you thought about special provisions for your Special Needs Child?

Drafting a will

As one progresses to the threshold of old age, worries and anxieties seem to grip more tightly. Not a second goes when the thought of one’s family especially children take a leave.

What Does A Living Will Declare?

And who needs a living will? Basically, a living will is a form of expression of independence. We are, after all, free to decide, in life and in death. The expression living will is sometimes used to refer to a document in which you write down what you want to happen if you become ill and cannot communicate your wishes about treatment. It is quite common, for example, for people to write a living will saying that they do not want to be kept alive on artificial life supports i…

Asset Protection – Who Needs to Protect Their Assets?

America has often been referred to as a litigious society, meaning that we are prone to engaging in lawsuits for even the most frivolous of offenses. Because of this, it is important to stay vigilant about protecting your assets.