Live Chat Increase Sales!

Selling used to be so much harder than it is, but more effective! In the early days of trading, people faced each other, convinced each other, exchanged wares and were all happy about the transaction. Some would fail but most did not. Why? Because those who bought something had help in finding what they wanted. The one who sold, responded immediately to inquiries and challenges. In the end, both buyer and seller are happy.

Letters came in handy for many sellers, especially…

Improving Customer Service Through Help Desk Software

Help desk have now become a core part of good business service and operation. The term itself is generally associated with the end user support center. However, the fundamental role it plays on a company’s service function is to bring multiple resources together to solve issues about the customer’s satisfaction. It is no longer limited to mean internal support within only the company but also external support groups.

In most companies, a help desk may consist of a single p…

Addressing Emotions: Live Chat And Customers

When people buy things, the decision to actually purchase is a combination of logic and desire. That latter half of the buying process is clinched and what the web seems to lacking – some heart.

If you leave a visitor on his own to buy from your site, what would encourage him to make the actual purchase? How do you nudge the ones who have doubts?

Searches are not enough.

If there is someone to answer questions, rather than referring to a list of FAQs, a prospect is m…

Yahoo Search Marketing For Publishers

Marketing is a source for big income in the Internet. Because of the powers that advertising possesses especially with a highly directed method that the Internet can offer, there is a bigger possibility that Internet ads will meet more success. For example, a person who is looking for a new computer and sees an ad for an online store offering a sale on computers will most likely click on the ad. Very few ads in other media can seek to approximate this demand-specific distribu…

Save Money By Fixing PC Errors As They Occur

How much did it cost you the last time you had to call one of those computer tech help lines? What about the time you actually had to have a PC service technician come to your home? That expensive, huh? The truth is, PC tech help is expensive, and often the problems that cost you the most could have been avoided for a fraction of the cost with just an ounce of prevention.

There are many computer errors that send us scrambling for tech help. Sometimes, they can be annoying…

Re-Formatting your Personal Computer

As a personal computer is used it becomes more and more overworked and overloaded. It has less storage space, picks up spyware and viruses which ultimately slows down the performance of the computer. If nothing else can be done a last resort is re-formatting the computer.

On Microsoft

Microsoft is a difficult situation for me to evaluate. I think the company still has a lot of growth ahead in some areas. But, that depends on where management wants to take it.

There are three core businesses that are already well developed: Windows, Office, and Servers.

The moat in the first two are wide. The Windows moat is huge.

The business model in operating systems is great. You keep upgrading every few years; the hardware needn’t progress for you to find thin…

Maintain Your PC’s Performance With PC Programs

Over time, even the most sophisticated, memory packed computer can begin to run slow if we don’t do something to prevent it. The reason why has less to do with how computers are made and how they age and more to do with the way we use them. You see, all of the daily tasks that we do on our PC from running programs to downloading and deleting software can make our computer sluggish.

To keep this from happening, you need to understand the reasons why your PC is getting slow…

How Hidden Error Can Affect Your PC’s Performance

When you first get a new computer, it seems to run like a dream. With the click of a button you get lighting fast responses without any hesitation from your PC. But after about a month, all of that starts to change. You may experience slow execution times and unwanted shutdowns or glitches.

If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. It is estimated that more than 94% of all new PCs have hidden errors that affect their performance in as little as one month after they are …