Households Dumping Their Home Phones

According to the National Health Interview Survey, conducted by the U.S. Center for Disease Control, about 3 in 10 households either only use mobile phones or rarely take calls on their landlines.

The Latest Technology, Wifi And Digital Cameras

We were all use to the idea of sending in our film for developing and waiting for our pictures to come back. It takes days before we can see those developed photos.

Then along came digital cameras and the world was taken by storm with this cool new technology. Suddenly you could take a picture and see the results immediately. At first these cameras were slow and not such great quality but still kind of cool. Then things heated up and now we have fantastic digital cameras o…

Servers – Do You Need One For Your Business?

When you start an online business, one of the most important decisions you can make is which server to use. A web server is what makes an internet site run. It takes a web page request, finds the URL’s file, and loads the file onto the requester’s browser. The base of any online business is the server, and the key to choosing the right server is knowing the needs of your business and understanding which server will provide the most benefits.

If you own a small business, Vi…

Making Life Simple With Wireless Technology

Wireless fidelity , or WiFi, is an amazing technology that allows you to network your computers, office, home, etc. without the need for wires. This makes networking so much easier and less messy because wires are not used. The computers simply connect to the network via radio signals.

Because of this easiness, many businesses, schools, malls, restaurants, cafes, stores, airports and other businesses have set up wireless hot spots that allow anyone to log onto the network….

Easy Ways To Secure Your Computer

Just follow these simple tips; your computer will be free from virus and spyware.

1. Stop and think before opening any attachment you receive.

If you don’t know the sender, don’t open the attachment – just delete it. It doesn’t matter if the subject promises you’ll see Britney Spears dancing nude on the kitchen table, just delete it.

Most of the devastating worms and viruses of recent times were distributed via email. These viruses feed on the curiosity and also the…

Do We Really Need Ink?

You might not think about it on the pages of your books, or newspapers, but without the ink, there wouldn’t be anything but blank sheets of paper. Ink can be taken for granted, but its value is beyond question, and sometimes very evident.

The original inks in the dawn of what we know as ‘printing’ were composed of simple elements. Natural products like nut shell oils and the defensive liquid of the squid made useful dyes that were funneled into the old ‘nib’ tips of pens l…

Bluetooth Technology Is Likely To Be The Answer You Are Looking For!

Several large and well-known companies developed Bluetooth as an industry standard. The standard was introduced in order to specify how hand held devices, computers and other peripherals would communicate with one another without the need for cables. It uses short distance radio signals in order to generate communication between one device and another in close proximity. It is already widely used around the world in particular in bluetooth headsets, used for speaking on your …