Detours On The Path Of Life

The other day I was clearing out my home office in preparation for our upcoming move, when I stumbled upon a box of supplies left over from an old business opportunity I had undertaken several years ago. It was a perfectly fine business opportunity, but it wasn’t for me. Looking back, I knew even then that it wasn’t right for me, but I had determinedly ignored my inner voice and pursued it anyway.

As I sorted through this box of paperwork and supplies, I felt my face flame…

The Motivation Of Second Half Thinking

Football matches are won or lost in the second half. It does not matter what code of football is being played, and it does not only apply to football. It is how you finish that counts – in any sport or competition or campaign. It applies to your life. Look at your life as one complete match or look at your current circumstance and assess where you are in terms of the half time break and begin now to strategize the finish.

I saw this very clearly on one occasion when I was …

Beyond the Work-Life Balance

Much has been written about finding a harmonious balance between work and life, and this article does not intend to discredit any of it. It is essential to strike a balance between the professional and personal. True success is multidimensional, and if you focus exclusively on work your personal life suffers, and vice versa. Limiting your perspective of success to the two dimensions of work and personal life can lead to a lack of balance within both professional and personal success. To separate life and work into disparate entities misses the point of true success.

Building a Legacy: It’s only too late if you never start

Greg Langston is the founder and President of The Langston Group and Greg has been described as a focused visionary leader, a creative strategist, and a gifter presenter. A student of excellence, he runs several businesses and serves as a teacher to life and business coaches as well as executives around the globe.

Like A Fine Wine, Instinct Develops With Age

In your twenties, going with your gut instinct had you dirty-dancing with your boss, drunk-dialing your ex and cutting your own fringe. Turns out, like a fine wine, your instincts get better with age. Sometimes it’s easy to act on impulse..

The Varieties of Wisdom

There are several varieties or “flavors” of personal wisdom. Here, Copthorne Macdonald discusses three of them as well as the back-and-forth relationship between personal wisdom and socio-cultural wisdom.