Customer as Emperor

From Japan comes the tradition of oshibori. Oshibori is the Japanese word for the rolled up hot towel you receive after eating at an authentic Japanese restaurant or at the conclusion of an international flight. If you have never experienced a hot towel after a long flight, it is as close as you can get to a refreshing shower in the comfort of your seat with all your clothes on. What does it have to do with growing your business? It’s remarkable.

Tune Into What Customers Really Want

Customer relationship marketing is powerful in theory, but troubled in practice. We need to take time to figure out how and why we are undermining our own best efforts.

Perhaps we’re overlooking the fundamental elements of a good customer relationship program. With the means to connect with customers easily, maybe we’re rushing to cash in on the potential rewards, while forgetting the essentials of all relationships: intimacy and trust.

Close examination reveals that re…

Using a Press Release to get More Customers

There are many great stories about press releases being used to profit small business owners. If used correctly they can be used to get you into a small newspaper, driving customers to your business.

What Is Buzzworthiness? How Do We Create A Marketing Buzz?

What pops into your mind when you hear the word buzzworthy or even just buzz?

Well for starters, when I hear the word buzz on its own, I think of bees swarming around a hive full of honey. If I think a little further I get an image of a busy New York street, a mall full of people, or even a festival/parade. These things also bring me back to the image of the bees buzzing around a hive of honey, the only difference is that they’re people, and the honey is something that att…

Word of Mouth Marketing on The Web

Online marketing presents you with an opportunity to get more bang for your buck compared to traditional marketing. This is particularly true for word of mouth marketing.